Well for an intro youtube/watch?v=OIBcGJxV_Ic Left Playas - TopicsExpress


Well for an intro youtube/watch?v=OIBcGJxV_Ic Left Playas del Coco yesterday at around 8 and aimed to make some miles happen . Beaut to be on the road fairly early with good weather and nice windy roads , taking the coast for a bit . Had to stop after around 15 minutes as I had found a hitch hiker had come out from my jacket , and I wasnt offering free rides . Pretty funny seeing a Gecko trying to cope with 60mph wind on my arm . Gave his a new address in a bush (pic soon) and continued on . Trying to cover ground and stay away from main roads doesnt always go well , ran into some traffic jamb , that turned out to be what looked like a protest rally , but managed to use the Moto to slip up past a heap of trucks and cars , including running a bit of off road . Past the marchers and the cop escort , smiling and waving , only to find I had missed a turn and ended down Puntarenas Canton . Interesting to run down this little peninsula tho . Back track and on we go down to route 34 ad on . Now it IS the rainy season .... So it started . And man it got serious . Late in the day my visor was greasy from road grime and visibility was a nightmare .. plus bumpy roads . Wasnt great , not cold , but soaked AGAIN . The worst was , riding with the visor open at around 30 mph , just to see .. I copped a bow wave from an oncoming car running hard through a road river about a foot deep . Through the visor and all over me . I was blinded for a second , bloody frightening . Got a hotel at the next town , and paid the extra for hot water .. well warm . Hotel Number 2 gets a puddle at reception . 310 miles done This morning the sun is out and getting hot . Great !! Still damp gear is drying out and away pretty early , but no coffee or brekky . Not far to the border Costa Rica / Panama Arrive around 8.30 and armed with a printout of instructions , get through the exit from Costa pretty well . Panama looks well set up .... but Lazy , rude officials . And a bit of a run around . Here there and everywhere . Immigration wants to see my insurance , so go buy that , grubby little hole in the wall hidden away , back to grumpy who wants to see at least $500 US . Credit cards and cash is OK . Wants booking details for my exit from Panama . Sheesh . Ok done there , upstairs to drag some lazy Biatch away from her phone , not a call , her mobile , to stamp 2 pieces of paper begrudgingly . Down stairs to the Customs , who are working , but will take anyones papers while I wait for mine ... Then sign a few things and go find some dude to check my bike . This is Customs by the way . Get pointed in the right direction , to find Matey in a little hidden back room ... playing with his F$#King phone . Signs the form without even looking at the bike or my luggage (didnt leave the room) Then over the road and get the bike sprayed for pests . Hooray , free to get going into Panama ! NO NO NO , just up the road , I take my helmet OFF again to show my passport , not a sniff at the bike . Looks at passport , William ? he asks . Si , I say . OK .. That is it !!! I have rabbited on , but for the rest of the day I got a speeding ticket .. Mmmm and didnt pay on the spot FuggEm , got stung by some bastard bug just below my left eye , AND remember it is Rainy Season Yes .... well Hotel Puddle number 3 It is a ripper hotel tho , and real hot water . And a bar . Second double Bourbon , and now something to eat . Tough couple of days , Google maps says 823K in 2 days to end up here at Penonome in Panama But that is what its about , and by lunch tomorrow I should be in Panama City and have a little time before meeting the bike riders for the boat crossing . Things are going to get interesting :-)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 00:02:59 +0000

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