Well for the sake of the truth and my attempt to truly change and - TopicsExpress


Well for the sake of the truth and my attempt to truly change and be the new creation that I am because of my Savior, here are some facts. Most of my friends know that Ive struggled with addiction, and rather than stealing from people that I love or taking advantage of them, which Im ashamed to say I did not even succeed in that, I used my anger at Wal-mart for firing me when I was in chemo as an excuse to steal from them to support my habit. For the last couple years I have been marginally successful at staying sober with the exception of a couple periods of time in which I have backslid-ed. Last summer was one such occasion. Two people that I used to use with had been going to the methadone clinic in Kalamazoo and when their car broke down, against the advice of my immediate family, I decided to drive them to the clinic for a few days until they could fix their vehicle. I actually fixed the front rocker arms on their car only to discover that both their front wheels barrings were spun and completely out of the casing. Carrie Leigh Risner and I committed a retail fraud in Plainwell, during which she was followed to my car by security where they took my license plate number down and used it to charge me with a habitual felony with a 10-15 year sentence. I have one other retail fraud on my record and it is actually my only charge to date, so that charge was extremely harsh considering that Carrie herself has something like 14 and her little brother Corey who was with us had 10 misdemeanor retail frauds before he got his first felony larceny charge in Barry county and was sentenced to a few weekends. For my first retail fraud and only misdemeanor ever I was nearly sentenced to six months but ended up doing a month and getting six months suspended. So now I was sitting in jail on my suspended sentence, not knowing if I would get ten years in jail. My family saw fit to hire me an attorney and he was able to plead that charge down to a misdemeanor. That judge wanted to give me six months but his hands were tied because I have developed a heart condition that could cause liability issues for the county and its just not worth it for them to try to incarcerate me while its ongoing. I was given an extended medical bond and Im free for the time being, and will find out December 8th exactly whats going to happen to me. The probation department is recommending probation but the judge said at my last hearing that I richly deserve a jail sentence, which could mean another four months on top of the two Ive already done. If that happens I feel sorry for the people that love me, and while I am tired of laying the consequences of my actions at the feet of those who love me, and never want to bring any more shame on the good name of my father and his family, I did the crime and Id do the time. While in court my lawyer advised me to give them the name of my accomplice, Carrie, but the prosecutor advised the court that they already had a tentative name to investigate. Having seen the police report myself I can tell you that they have quite a case against her and me both. Do I consider myself a scumbag for wanting to offer up her name? No. I would have gotten nothing for it but I have been convicted by God and she will never understand that because she has no conscience. When she found out I was being charged she called me acting like a friend and not someone who took advantage of my past addictions and kindly demeanor to get what she wanted. She said she was getting 40,000 dollars from a settlement for being a passenger in a car that her brother totaled. I told her that it had cost 650 to get me out of jail and 1300 for the lawyer, tentatively. She offered to pay 100 dollars to my mother to help me out. Im certain it was to see if they knew anything about her because shes already done a prison sentence and is now addicted to methadone and benzos and jail time would suck for her no doubt. She was contacted by the Allegan police and immediately got on facebook, called me a coward, and accused me of throwing her under the bus. A couple of days ago her brother Corey, whos habit was also fueled by our crimes even though he didnt take part in anything except getting high, texted me thanking me for Carrie now being in jail. I dont know if shes been sentenced or if theyre just charging her or what but I sympathize with her because Ive been there. Shes in there withdrawing from methadone, which has the longest withdrawal of any opiate, and benzos, which cause seizures. Mind you the first contact I had with their family at all was Corey flagging me down on the road one day and saying, Got any money? Now she wants to lie and say that shes only being prosecuted because I lied to the police about her, but I will gladly get a copy of the police report and publish it to my page. Am I innocent? In no way at all am I innocent, but dont act like Im the cause of your legal woes when everyone who knows you truly, knows exactly what you are. As we speak her facebook page has items on it that are certainly stolen, that shes trying to sell. Anyway I have no reason to lie and obviously am not living for the opinions of other people, but most people who know me, know my motives and convictions and repentance. I pray that none of us get what we really deserve in this life, and that we all get grace and forgiveness. I certainly am no better than she is, I just am not busy trying to convince myself and everyone else that a lie is true.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:41:26 +0000

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