Well i have a feeling of uselessnes...i want to be there for a - TopicsExpress


Well i have a feeling of uselessnes...i want to be there for a friend...want to show this person how great they are...there is so much uncertainty goi g on for this person...life choices are going to be tuff...and i know how much it means to be a people pleaser...cause i to am one of those people...and when i know and care for that person....then i want to please them....life at times is confusing..and scary..and full of wrenches....but if we face these struggles head on...we face these fears and uncertainties...we become stronger...or at the very least have the courage to try...i want to see people happy....and i understand the challenges of life....and my fear..was at one time debiltating to me....and held me back from my own personal growth...and happiness....people are an effect on me...but ultamitly...its me that gives the validity or feeling behind the actions of others....i want to love...be loved....have good friends...and live free of the bounds of self....so how does this happen...it happens from choice...the choice of change...and the willingness for that change...it happens by setting goals...and working towards those goals daily.....it happens by being honest with myself...and honest with the people in my life...and it happens....beacuse I AM MAKING IT HAPPEN.....so if you are in struggles with jobs..housing..relationships...and are scared and unsure of change...iam proof of change...and that it can be done....and i was scared to death...but what scared me the most.......was staying the same and stagnent....so my friends...you are strong...and can do anything you put more mind to.....but not on hast...but on an educated evaluation of events.....your smart....look at all you have done for yourself.....focus...determination...and dedication to happiness...you can..and will achive what works for you....good luck...and am a friend and supporter...here if you need anything.....
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 01:19:13 +0000

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