Well i was confronted with some family buisness that has been - TopicsExpress


Well i was confronted with some family buisness that has been bothering me for a while so im gone leave out names but illustrate in words the situation.... here it is-a condition of marriage was no contact with a mans(my family) biological daughters due to the fact that they supposedly lied about his then girlfriend cheating on him ok/ok which brought about hard times however they got married and my nieces got tossed to the left this info came str8 from his wife mouth and he dont know that she told me that.....here is the kicker meanwhile my son went and stayed the weekend with his wife and her son and while he was there some dude lived up stairs and she supposedly was goin out with some friends but my son watched her go upstairs to this guys apt...earlier that same day my son and nephew with this guy upstairs played the video game together traded some games bak n forth so my son and my nephew could keep their time together interesting basically my boy came comfortable with just walkin in this guys apartment...well like i said earlier when it came time for her goin out my son watched her go ryt upstairs to that guys apt well after a lil while my son goes up there and he told me that she was surprised when he just walked in and he told me she was in a hurry to buckle and zip her pants up......now i have not said nuttin bout nuttin but to me from the outside lookin in she is really like a leach i feel she uses the father of my nieces and i could go on but i wont and i use to feel if she makes him happy and he is willin to settle for this type of chic so be it but now quite a bit of time has went by and my nieces mother hit me up talkin bout how his daughters never and still hasnt gave up on him and it put me in a position to say something about it....regardless if they lied or not i know my son didnt and at what cost to my nieces and their father being reunited .....she alienated him from his kids and from what my son said sounds like just maybe his daughters wasnt lieing to begin with so im gonna wrestle with it till the weekend and then my son and i are gonna talk with him bout these things with the intentions of daddy gettin back with his OWN daughters .....i spoke about it for some open advice from yall becuz i dont wanna stir up the pot but sometimes i am not gonna live in regret because Uncle J didnt do or say nothin how could i rest in peace knowing these things timing was bad before becuz he was on the way to the field but if you was me what would you do there is no right or wrong answeres but for a woman to request such things from a man is an abomination to me!!! Further more she really dont deserve to be with such an honorable man and i maybe wrong but this chic is bout to be in a situation that she cant weasel her way out of and just maybe something great can come out of such a tragedy..... but no woman who claims she loves a man would expect him to just act like his children dont exist unless she is twisted in the worse kinda ways the children suffered because of her and after i speak about it i could care less if i ever see her again but one thing is for sure I WILL NEVER FORGET TO PRAY FOR HER...and if this causes a wedge\ to me its immoral for a father to just walk out his childrens life regardless of lifes circumstances and money dont give them what they need TRULLY!!!! IF I GET TOSSED TO THE LEFT BECAUSE I SPOKE BOUT THESE THINGS SO BE IT! ...THATS HOW I REALLY FEEL........
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 08:42:00 +0000

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