Well if you want to be republican, you must accept - TopicsExpress


Well if you want to be republican, you must accept communism... Communism (from Latin communis – common, universal) is a socioeconomic system structured upon common ownership of the means of production and characterized by the absence of classes, money,[1][2] and the state; as well as a social, political and economic ideology and movement that aims to establish this social order.[3] The movement to develop communism, in its Marxist–Leninist interpretations, significantly influenced the history of the 20th century, which saw intense rivalry between the communist states in the Eastern bloc and the most developed capitalist states of the Western world.[4] Communism was first developed into a scientific theory by German philosopher and social scientist Karl Marx,[5] and the collective understanding of this scientific approach is today commonly referred to as Marxism. In the Marxist understanding, communism is the endpoint of human social evolution which will inevitably come into fruition through economic and social advances in socialism. Socialism, being the new order established after the demise of capitalism, is herein characterized by the working class having state power and undertaking the process of abolishing capitalist property and economic relations and establishing social (i.e. public, collective) ownership and management of societys political, economic, and cultural institutions. In accordance with the socialized processes of production, appropriation also becomes socialized as goods and services become consumed on a social basis with free access for the individual. Communism becomes fully realized when the distinction between classes is no longer possible and therefore the state, which has been used as an instrument of class dictatorship, no longer exists.[6][7] In the communist economy, production and consumption are fully socialized, and the processes for which are advanced into maximized automation, efficiency, and recycling. This results in the end of individual money calculation, hence relationships between individuals being based on free association and free access to all goods and services according to need.[8] Leninism refers to the organizational principle of the vanguard party as a revolutionary strategy both to achieve revolution and to secure political power after the revolution in the interests of the working class. Marxism-Leninism is a combination of Marxs theory of socialism with Lenins theoretical contributions, namely the understanding of imperialism and the development of monopoly capitalism as predicted by Marx, as well as organizational principles applied within the context of the 20th century communist movement. This body of thought formed the basis for all existing communist movements in the 20th century and, as such, in the Western world, the term communism came to refer to social movements and political regimes associated with the Marxist-Leninist Communist International (or Comintern). However, the distinction should be made that the systems that these movements presided over were in fact not fully developed into communism, and the degree to which they had achieved socialism in itself is debated.[9] Council communists, Orthodox Marxists and non-Marxist libertarian communists and anarcho-communists oppose the ideas of a vanguard party. Anarcho-communists advocate for the establishment of full communism immediately following the abolition of capitalism. There is a very wide range of theories amongst those particular communists in regards to how to build the types of institutions that would replace the various economic engines (such as food distribution, education, and hospitals) as they exist under capitalist systems—or even whether to do so at all.[10] In the modern lexicon of what many Western sociologists and political commentators refer to as the political mainstream, communism is often used as a broad term to refer to the policies of communist states, i.e., the ones governed by communist parties, in general, regardless of the diversity of economic models over which they may preside. Examples of this include the policies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam where the economic system incorporates doi moi and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) where the economic system is described as a socialist market economy.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:04:04 +0000

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