Well it appears that for the most part the Republicans are in - TopicsExpress


Well it appears that for the most part the Republicans are in denial. I am at a loss to explain how people who I would otherwise consider to be reasonable intelligent folks just cannot seem to face certain realities. Such as (I apologize to my Republican friends for teh broad generalizations, but most of you know it is true)....... Who Shut down the government. Clearly documented and well reported that it was the strategy of the Republican Majority in the House to use the government shutdown and the debt limit as leverage to get what they wanted. Now that it failed and Obama and Reid failed to capitulate they want to claim it was Obama and Reid who did it. Obama is the choice of the people to be President. After defeats in two elections without interference from the Supreme Court the still attempt to challenge Obamas legitimacy. The amount of disrespect that has been heaped on this guy for no reason exposes the ugliness that is at the heart of at least a significant part of the Republican Party. Like him or not he is the choice of the American people and that fact alone entitles him to our respect. Obamacare Like it or not it is the law. While I do not believe it was the best solution it is clearly better than teh Republicans strategy of totally ignoring the problem. And while many of my neighbors complain that it does not do enough I remind them that it is seriously hampered by our governors refusal to participate in the program. Our Economy Since the end of the last presidents term millions of people have been put out of work. The private sector, while sitting on record amounts of accumulated cash assets refuses to invest and the government limited by austerity programs has been unable to do enough. Now I am not one to say that the debt problem should be ignored but we have ignored this countrys infrastructure for years while building bridges and roads across the world. While this has been going on some of my Republican friends have been saying that all of those unemployed people are just lazy and dont want to work. Why dont they just get another job? Until some of them were furloughed. Then all of a sudden there was a crisis, again only Obamas fault. I am pretty sure they would not want me to tell them to go get another job. Funny how that works. Racism The amount of racism that still exists and is openly paraded around within the Republican party is disgusting and beneath the dignity of this nation and its people. Yeah I know you never use the word nigger so that must mean you arent a racist. Trouble is I know the code and I am not fooled. You talk about them and those people. The fact is most of the people in this country are one tragic event away from poverty and hunger. But hey it is ok so long as you are not black right. Government I know we have widely differing opinions on how big the government should be. But it seems to me that as long as it is big enough for you to have what you need that is big enough and forget about everyone else. The Republican stance that no government is better is ridiculous on its face and it is time they realized it. We can still push back and forth on the individual issues but until every Republican refuses Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, their federal pension and healthcare benefits I say they are hypocrites. Education While I am pretty sure no one is very happy about how we have raped and abandoned our educational system. What I find interesting is how the Republicans who are by and large products of the education system they constantly deride and fail to support driving it to where it is failing, can feel like they know so much. Enough for tonight
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 03:51:27 +0000

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