Well, its definitely a bittersweet feeling to say that my four - TopicsExpress


Well, its definitely a bittersweet feeling to say that my four years at Dairy Queen came to an end this week! It definitely didnt happen the way that I had imagined, but hey, theres a reason for everything even if the reason for getting fired from your job is because youre expecting a child! I will never forget how selfish and unloving of a man Billy Hatchel is, and I could go on and on about it, but I wont. There was definitely never a day that I liked him even a little bit, and a day never existed that I was happy to see his face. However, he gave me a job for four years, even if he did let me go at a time that really COULDVE hurt me, although it hasnt. Madison and I got to know each other working there, and now were beginning a beautiful family together, and for that, I couldnt be more thankful for the job I had there. It definitely led me to a perfect daughter, and a handsome and loving soon to be husband! I made some friends, including my manager, who was always flexible and doing whatever she could to help me out! With all that being said, I couldnt be happier to know that Ill never be so caught up in myself, and my money, to treat someone the way I was treated by the owner, and I know better things are waiting for me. What a blessing in disguise.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:52:44 +0000

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