Well its official, I guess Im an old man. The Bible says young men - TopicsExpress


Well its official, I guess Im an old man. The Bible says young men will see visions, and old men will dream dreams. I take the Word in Ezekiel 3: 18-19 to be a Watchman very serious. If I dont heed Gods warning in this Scripture, I will have to answer Him; and I want to hear Him say, well done, thy good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord. To my 1000+ Facebook Friends and Family, the dream I had last night was clearly from God, and it was a Warning. God will always send Warnings before Judgments. We are in Perilous times. People are doing evil things that we didnt see 20-30 years ago. This is a message of Serious Importance. Scoff at it, and shuck it off if you like. The Truth of the matter is Earth is not our eternal home. We will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. All Hell is soon to break loose on this earth. The Scripture in Matthew 24:13 says But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. The end for the believer is either death or the removal from earth (Rapture). Please lets get serious in our walk with God. There are many things that we do that is displeasing to Him. Some we can stop as easy as that, some we need His help to break the Demonic strongholds that Oppress us. Come before Him and Repent, you cant hide ANYTHING from Him. He knows your Thoughts, Hears your Words, Sees your Deeds and the things that we are supposed to do and dont. Daily seek Him, spend time with Him in Prayer and especially in His Word. John says that God does not hear the Prayers of a Sinner, unless of course it is the Sinners Prayer of repentance, and acceptance of Him as Savior. Lets Stop Playing Church. Some go to Church EVERY SUNDAY, and still have a filthy mouth. It makes you think that the Ministry they went to is playing Spades. ADMIT that we are Sinners REPENT of our Sins BELIEVE in the Gospel, or the Virgin Birth, Crucifixion, Burial Resurrection, and the Return of Christ INVITE Jesus into our Hearts ACCEPT Him by Faith CONFESS with our Mouths the Lord Jesus, Believe in our Hearts that God raised Him from the Dead. Get some Gospel literature or Tracts and give them to your friends and family. Time is winding down, this earth age is drawing to a close. I love you all, but He loves you more. LETS GET RIGHT AND LETS GO HOME.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:24:56 +0000

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