Well my check-in baggage just arrive in London today... FU*KING - TopicsExpress


Well my check-in baggage just arrive in London today... FU*KING AWESOME SINCE IM IN BOCHUM GERMANY DAMN IT!!!!! This means no cloths (of any sort), allergy meds or FU*KING BOWLING SHOES for Ryan until WHO KNOWS FU*KING WHEN!!! I need some underoos and some socks damn it.. Im not even going to blame United Airlines,.. YET!!,.. As long as they get me my shit soon.. Not to happy about the fact that Ohare airport is still a fu*king mess this long after the sh*t storm situation there, they still dont have things sorted.. Meehhhh meehhhh meehhhh.. I WANT MY SHOES!! I dont know if my throat works w/o them anymore... Ok,.. Ive worked myself up royally now and I have nothing more in my head space.. Peace Love and piss-shivers to all.. (You know what Im talking about gents..) wait,.. Do women have piss-shivers?? I dont even know.. Ryan
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:43:04 +0000

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