Well poor Shotton Colliery lads after enjoying Trick or Treat last - TopicsExpress


Well poor Shotton Colliery lads after enjoying Trick or Treat last night they awoke this morning to a Saturday morning horror show! Where as the Lambton boys obviously had plenty of Halloween treats last night cos they were flying from the off... From the off the lads were at it, great passing, keeping the ball & playing with plenty of composure. Our first goal came courtesy of guess who? Yip that scoring machine Jay Waller, quickly followed when James poked home the ball as it bounced around from a corner to make it 2-0! Number 3 was a lovely well taken goal by Woody going down the left, then shooting across the keeper into the bottom corner! Our next was a great free kick by David who curled it round the wall leaving the keeper well beat...4-0. Quickly followed up by number 5, great ball into Matty Monaghan who opened his body up too switch the ball out too the right where Hickey cooly chipped the keeper! Could you blame the ref for bringing the 1st half TL end early...if this was a boxing match it would have been stopped! Shotton were certainly on the ropes hanging in against a rampant Lambton! 2nd half John made. 3 changes but what didnt change was the way the game was going...Sam knocked a great ball thru and defender got mixed up and headed it past his advancing keeper for Mr Waller to nip in like a true striker and pinch it on the line...another brace for Jay no wonder Glens working overtime to pay out his goal bonus! Then something strange happened Shotton played a ball thru the middle and next thing theyve scored one! Or was this just us giving them a late Halloween treat... The game then was more competitive with The Monk making some good saves where as we missed a couple of chances... But wasnt too long before we got the 7th Beattie scoring this one to make it 6 different goal scorers! So final score Lambton 7 (seven) - Shotton 1 Nice way to get back too winning ways after last weeks draw! Technical difficulties between our sound dept & Facebook currently delaying the audio clips...hopefully this will be resolved soon! Enjoy your weekends all...
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 18:45:31 +0000

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