Well-said Mr Abun Sui Anyit of GASAK. The iconic scumbag, Najib - TopicsExpress


Well-said Mr Abun Sui Anyit of GASAK. The iconic scumbag, Najib must be taken to task for augmenting the Sedition Act to prevent disgruntled Sarawakians and Sabahans from seceding from Malaya. We all know, Petronas is the authorized grand thief of Putrajaya to rob 95% of our petroleum revenue AND SS have been illegally colonized by this hostile regime as the 12th & 13th States instead of equal partners of Malaya. Bottom ine, we are not happy at the way we have been treated. What say you, Najib??? Quote: A Sarawak NGO has slammed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s announcement that the Sedition Act 1948 is to be strengthened to cover calls for Sabah and Sarawak’s secession from the Federation of Malaysia.Civil society movement Gerakan Anak Sarawak (Gasak) disagreed with Najib’s announcement at the Umno general assembly yesterday to expand the scope of the Act, reminding Umno that the Borneo states were partners with Malaya in the founding of Malaysia, similar to Singapore at the time. “Sarawak as a partner in the federation should be allowed to leave Malaysia any time if the people are not happy in the federation. “Why was Singapore allowed to leave the federation?” asked Gasak President Abun Sui Anyit (left). Singapore together with Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya formed the federation in September 1963, but left in 1965. Abun Suit, who is a lawyer, said that Najib’s announcement on expanding sedition goes against the practice of a democratic country. Challenge to Borneo political parties Gasak said it challenges all BN coalition parties especially the BN parties from Sarawak and Sabah whether they agree or not with Najib’s proposal to insert a provision to stop any one calling for the secession of the two states. If the proposal were to be included in the Sedition Act, it would directly affect all Sabahans and Sarawakians, he said. The proposal appeared to suggest as if Sabahans and Sarawakians are stupid and cannot think for themselves, he added. “For Gasak this proposal must not proceed,” Abun Suit warned. Unquote https://hornbillunleashed.wordpress/2014/11/30/66282/
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:44:00 +0000

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