Well shes outta here, 2014 that is. Looking back all I can say is - TopicsExpress


Well shes outta here, 2014 that is. Looking back all I can say is WOW! Alot has happened over the last year both good and bad. About April I was talking with Chris about an old website idea I had, that he kept pushing me to do, so instead of a I said ta hell with it and fired up Nevada Backroads. I invited half dozen friends, including Chris and Dave . Chris and I thru up some photos we had and KABOOM requests started rolling in. Little did I know the interest NBR would generate. Were not talking just among friends were talking people worldwide. Yes we have members from across the pond. All this stemmed from a idea a couple small town boys were kicking around for many years and one finally talked the other into doing it. Moving into the new year well but pushing into bigger things for 2015 were thinking big. Starting April 1st thru may 3rd we will have a gathering outside of luning nevada on Highway 95. There are multiple reasons for this. First of all the flats is large enough for anything we plan Including a Saturday night bonfire. The area is also loaded with old mining camps and ghost towns and it also has areas in reach for those with low group clearance vehicles. On a post earlier in dec. A lady said theres nothing out there. Well for day trips there are places like merietta, Bodie (ca but on many bucket lists), Berlin, pointsetta, cabin under the rock and many more areas. This will be true nevada style camping so if you want it bring it. I will also be putting up a post in a couple days specifically for the gathering. Other things on the plate for 2015 includes the original idea of a and quite possibly an explores app for your phone. So with 2014 behind us we push into 2015 in good ol Nevada style. Happy New Year to all NBR
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:59:08 +0000

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