Well the EPA today under the Obama administration is doing - TopicsExpress


Well the EPA today under the Obama administration is doing everything it can to shut down the coal industry that will continue to drive up our over all energy cost for every single American. Of course there is no plan on behalf of the government of how to replace the jobs lost, and or how to lower the costs of our energy with a replacement source. This will have two impacts on our fading economy which last quarter not only didn’t grow but shrank by 1%. What made the American the envy of the world was our economic engine. In part our economic powerhouse was based on the fact we simply had the cheapest energy costs of any developed nation in the world. Over time America’s energy costs went up and over time our economy basically fell flat on its face. Over the last six years America has had the highest sustain energy costs in our nation’s history. These costs have dramatically increased and stayed at high levels because of policies enacted by the Obama administration. Having costs go up is not the end of the world if you are in the top ten percent income earners in the USA but for the vast majority of Americans 90% of them it has taken away all of their deposable income. Meaning they no longer have any safety valve left! Because of these policies the poor are now poorer. Because of these policies the entire middle class is slipping into an ever increasing downward trend. The poverty level in the United States is now in terms of real numbers at an all time high as millions in the middle class shift into poverty. Even worse is the fact that average incomes are down, not because people are being paid less but more and more middle level jobs have just been wiped out. The truth is millions of Americans are suffering because of these new horribly flawed energy policies. Of course because the government makes 10 times more money from Oil and Gas Taxes than the Oil and Gas companies do the taxes that were promised not to be raised on the poor where raised through these very high energy cost in this very sly and clever way of increasing taxes on everyone which is one of many reasons the economy simply can’t recover. What is truly maddening about all this is the fact that America has more energy resources than any other nation on earth. Yet by current government policy, regulations and mandates allowed to use them. The few in power have a strangle hold over the lives of 320 million Americans because of these policies that have done more harm than good. States rights to manager their energy resources have been lost in lieu of central government and central planning. Of course recent very public failures of the government have brought to light to tens of millions of uninformed Americans just how inept those who lead us within the government truly are. Currently we have before us the proposed keystone pipeline project which is an obvious winner and for which the majority of Americans are for. The truth is pipelines are the safest and cheapest way to transport oil. Any pipeline is better, faster, cheaper and safer than moving oil by tanker ships, railway or by truck. They can be shut off quickly and can be cleaned up faster and cause less damage than forcing Oil companies to pump on the bottom of the ocean floor with the most complicated equipment in the world. It was Government policies that force deep water oil rigs to be. There are places that are much easier for us to get oil than 5,000 ft under weather. Yet here we are stuck in political double talk about the world environment. Think about it… We have no problem taking oil from other parts of the world but have huge issues taking if from here. As if taking oil from another place on earth is less impactful? If we are using oil anyway why not drive the price down to one third of what it is today? Why not produce more oil than the demand is to drive OPEC pricing down? Why can’t we help ourselves and allow our nation to be ripped off with phony fixed pricing that is not done by American Oil companies but OPEC which clearly don’t have our interests at heart. I think even the Unions are starting to understand that liberal policies are really hurting the unions more than helping them. After all it is liberal policies that allow our southern boarders to be wide open and exposed to a cheap labor force that has drove wages down and increased government support of illegals. It’s those policies that are wiping out Unions in the coal and oil industries. We have the State of Alaska that wants to tap into its oil resources but it is again blocked by the Feds in areas of their state where there are no humans and next to no animal life. Yet we have an administration and members of congress from other states who have no idea what Alaska is like nor have even been to that area that believes it makes more sense to get oil from other countries and to have the poor pay more for it. How STUPID! Coal is the main energy driver for our nations electrical power which as they continue to wage war on clean coal industry will make our electrical power cost sky rocket as high as ten fold. Talk about making the poor poorer. It’s almost like the policy is designed to create a false narrative for class warfare. It is not the rich that create that divide it is government policies. Now don’t get me wrong I am all for green energy that can sustain 320 million Americans but today’s green technology is simply not there nor scalable or affordable to support that kind of population level. The green costs today are through the roof but like all things over time cost will come down and the technology will be more scalable so that we have a real tipping point to switch and maintain a great economy at the same time. There is no need to sacrifice our environment or our economy. The sacrifices come when we push to hard to fast and we spend and spend with no real results. Or we drive up cost only hurting the American people. I just put LED lights in my home. It cost $5,000 to do that. Regular lights would have cost about $600. I am lucky I can do it but most Americans it is simply not an option. I drove electrical cost down in my home by 90% but it cost a lot of money in other areas to make that happen. Frankly it’s another one of those false narratives about those who are fiscally conservative that they don’t care about green or the environment. A perfect example of this is that Oil loving George W. Bush you know the one who is blamed for everything he didn’t do and Al Gore who gets credit for everything he didn’t do. Good ole George his home is totally energy efficient and takes advantage of every green trick and then some. He even uses his rain water. Al the leader of the green movement has an energy foot print for his home that is 20 times bigger than that Oil guzzling George Bush! Go figure… It would seem to me that we would exploit every energy option we have in America. Why? Well because as we drive our energy costs down we can afford to drive innovation up because we will have more money to invest on solving our green energy needs and many other needs we have as a nation. We would create more jobs we could afford to do more manufacturing because our lower energy costs would offset the lower wages in other areas of the world and we could therefore become more competitive. In other words the economy would soar big time. Its basic economics! We are sure not going to figure anything out if we don’t have the money to make it happen. What nation leads in innovation as the world’s largest debtor? None! Innovation happens with profits not debt. Heck we had to shut down NASA that innovated so many things we have in our everyday lives… Why did we shut it down? Because our economy is not growing and we cant afford it, so much for the President who talks about investing in innovation and then wastes it on project after project that fails and does it not through congress but on his own. Why are we in debt? Well one very primary reason is because our energy cost tripled in the last 6 years? Why? Because we have a President who can’t find a balanced approached because he is trying to force innovation before its natural time. Sort of like what he did with the Obamacare website. It almost feels like he believes that by jacking up the price of our energy costs that else it will make green energy look good like a good deal. In other words force electrical cost up and force the poor to by LED lights that cost 10 times more than a regular light blub. The problem with that is a completely false economy which is done at the expense of millions who already have been suffering or the millions of new that are now starting to suffer. We now have 50 million people that want to work but for lack of jobs because of government policies have to be supported by the government. It’s just so wrong at every level. Sure there are millions scam the system and no questions billions are wasted but still millions are honestly wiped out because of these unbalance policies that serve to hurt more than help in the name of the greater good. There is something profoundly wrong with the idea of the greater good when it is against the will of the vast majority of Americans. In the meantime we ship our wealth to nations who we buy our Oil from who are not our friends. These nations have all figured out how to exploit our own laws and insane policies to take full advantage of us on trade and pricing fixing. They would never do what we do, they don’t have the policies we have and for good reason. Their populations would rise up. As Americans we were raise to trust the government, support it and get behind it. We simply believed that the people at the top knew what they were doing. Time has proven they are no smarter than the average American citizen. They are not objective and power and authority has trumped what is best for the American people. We live in a world today that that which was right is now wrong and that which was wrong is now somehow more right. Each day the world becomes a more dangerous place and each day we are less able to slow it down and our options are reduced. Russia just used Oil within the Ukraine as its weapon. They did it by saying if you want oil you need to pay up front which of course they can’t do. Bottom line is our leaders may think their self righteous cause is somehow nobler to force green before we are ready. They may justify higher energy cost that have already driven millions into poverty all in the name of the so called greater good, but time will prove this was a time that America allowed its ruling class to do some incredibly stupid and naïve things. I am tired of stupid… I am tired of seeing us fail over and over again. I am tired of leading from behind. I am tired of the self righteous intolerant liberals who feel they are 100% right about everything yet have no prove yet in the last six years they were right about anything! Just saying!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 20:52:30 +0000

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