Well, this morning is already here. I agree to these speaking - TopicsExpress


Well, this morning is already here. I agree to these speaking engagements because of my passion to spread the word to anyone and everyone about how our products help people. But this morning, Im beside myself. Ive almost become immune to all the life-changing health stories. I have started just expecting to hear mind-blowing stories every time Im around Plexus people. At our event last night- I heard stories that would make anyone cry and cry. And these people are even nervous, but they will get up and share- because their story may help someone else. This morning, while Im praying about the fact that Im getting nervous. So many people are here. And then I found out last night that some have driven and/or flown to Houston to hear me teach. Im not bragging. I am certain that this is happening in all 13 cities. People have picked specific leaders to go listen to. But its overwhelmed me - to the point of tears. And while I was praying, I was just being raw- and saying, Lord, all of this! Its almost too much!! Too much for someone who has never prepared for this type of thing! I dont know how to do this! Theres so much expectation! I truly dont feel prepared. And Im scared!!! Im bawling while I type this. And Im humbly reminded that none of this has been me- ever! If you could see the notes and presentation Ill be working from. There ARE no notes or PowerPoint to truly encompass what Plexus is. It just doesnt exist. All I know is- its no one at my company. Its none of us leaders. Its not in a single bottle of what I sell. Its not in a generous compensation plan. Those are all pieces of a divine puzzle. And that puzzle is really difficult to describe. Or contain in words. And I think THAT is the overwhelm! Its not in a workbook. Theres no magic secret to selling it. Theres no magic thing you can do or say every day that will open peoples eyes to what we offer. And this morning-- just now-- THAT fact became so real to me. THAT fact. I feel like the panic surrounding a huge event like this is because agreeing to speak at an event such as this- is to imply that I have a power here. And I think God will let me paint myself into a corner, trying to come up with a secret I can share to boost everyones business into overdrive. And He probably just sits and waits for the overwhelm to set in--- when I finally say, I dont know!!! Yeah. I dont. I can teach old school methods of sales. But Plexus is so unique. Such a God-send. I feel there are much smarter books to read than many of the network marketing books. Im being honest here. I think books like The Circle Maker. Those are the types of books that will propel your business. I think this company is a gift. And while old sales techniques likely work. I think there are better ways. Heart-ways. Ill shut up for now. But my prayer is that folks will show up- with high expectations. But not to put their expectations on me or any PowerPoint. God has a way of taking someone who is so overwhelmed that they want to throw their hands up and He says, there! Finally! She gave up! Because thats when He can do HIS work!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 15:31:47 +0000

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