Well this post isnt law related, but I had to speak out about the - TopicsExpress


Well this post isnt law related, but I had to speak out about the Hollywood folks in town for the shooting of what is looking to be a BIG movie, Gone Girl, due out next year. Unless you live under a rock, you know that Ben Affleck, Neil Patrick Harris, Rosamund Pike, Tyler Perry, and a host of other stars have called Cape Girardeau home now for over a month, as well as David Fincher, acclaimed director (Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Social Network, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.) It might be easy to assume that when stars like this come into a city like Cape Girardeau, they would avoid going out in public due to everyone badgering them for a photo op. Well that is completely NOT the case. During their stay in Cape, especially Ben Affleck, they have completely and 100 percent absorbed themselves into the fabric of this city, joining health club/fitness centers (Ben is trying to bulk up for his Batman role), and going out all over Cape and eating at our restaurants, etc. Ben has appeared in so many photographs with people asking for a pic and posting it on FB that it is impossible to count. I myself even got to meet him briefly. I never once heard anyone say that he declined a picture. How old that must get, yet he obliged consistently. It is refreshing to see a star like this relate at a personal level with everyday common people. It is so great to see that, despite the public viewing Ben Affleck as larger than life, he himself was not arrogant nor rude to anyone. He surely realizes that, at the end of the day, he is just another person on this big blue rock like the rest of us. This entire community has come away from this experience as perhaps viewing Hollywood as not so liberal, evil, arrogant, and out of touch with the average American afterall. From what I gather, the directors, producers and cast loved Cape Girardeau as much as we loved them, and that is quite a testament to our city.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:22:18 +0000

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