Well to start I was raised in San Diego California and my - TopicsExpress


Well to start I was raised in San Diego California and my babysitter was Freddy crugar!!! Over and over now when I watch Freddy which I own I get scared and wonder...wtf! This I was watching a a child and it didnt scare me as much as it does now and what was my mother thinking? I was 5!!! When I was in third grade we had family game night and we played a ouija board and before you know ut I started having nightmares we had to get rid of our dolls burn the board in a circle of salt and bless our house with holy water!!! Hahaha omg! And by the way yes it was scary shit I believe oh lets not forget the spirit that was caught and is stuck in a crystal and the name of the demon will not come out my mouth...to this day I have had so many super natural experiences that I am an avid ghost hunter and I have traveled the entire west exploring registered historically haunted. My favorite place so far is tonopah Nevada!!! I have been to every national park and thats only the start of the places I have been! I have held a card board sign that said aliens abducted my parents seeking the mothership! I have honorably been asked to never return to the Assembly of God in plains Montana and the pastor actually said it didnt matter what I said he would deny it but in the best interest I should not come back! I think thats history in itself! How many of you are that evil?! Mwahahaha! And to those of you who almost shed a tear no worries next fact... I wanted to be a missionary a majority if my life but as it is one must walk as Jesus walks so leaving the church gave room for my wings to go and what you dont know is I consider myself a missionary right outside the doors! I stand for unconditionally love! No one can hinder my faith!!! And last but not least!!! In doing this I have discovered I have so many life experiences there is a lot people really dont know about me but a lot of you who know me !! Well each love is unique and honest and your my friend and I cherish you as my friend! Now you know why I am a little mad!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:49:30 +0000

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