Well today, after MONTHS of training, I finally conquered the - TopicsExpress


Well today, after MONTHS of training, I finally conquered the Grouse Grind!! I can honestly say, it was one of the hardest things, mentally, that Ive ever done. After all of the preparation that Ive done, I didnt eat enough food prior to starting to have enough energy along the way, which has been really disappointing to me. BUT, today I finished the grind. Was it the time I wanted, no, not at all, BUT, I finished and it felt AMAZING!! And now that Ive had some time to reflect on my experience, I find it so appropriate that the people I had with me, pushing me along the trail, have been really representative to my journey so far. I had Elizabeth Lee, a fellow Beachbody coach, and she stay true to her positive and inspiring nature and helped me keep going and kept me in the moment and not looking up toward the future hahaha. Also, Beachbody and all of my Beachbody friends have been so instrumental in my journey. So THANK YOU Liz and Erin and everyone else!! Also having Fiona and Nuala, two of my amazing friends keeping me going one step at a time was so HUGE for me. My friends have always been so supportive of me in everything that I do, and having these two with me representing my friends was so special!! And last, but certainly not least, my amazing husband Sean!! He is my number one fan and number one supporter. He believed in me the whole way up, and his supportive and encouraging words will never be forgotten. He also represents my amazing family who is ALWAYS there to support me no matter what. No, I didnt get the time that I wanted, but DAMN, do I feel good right now. Thank you everyone. This wouldnt have happened without all of you!! xoxoxo youre all amazing!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:52:18 +0000

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