Well today was a pretty good day, and I accomplished a lot, so Im - TopicsExpress


Well today was a pretty good day, and I accomplished a lot, so Im contented. I did my best, and thats always got to be good enough. Its not an excuse, just a point of fact. Its been a very Michael Schenker-ish day. Besides Matthias Jabs (Scorpions), Michael is one of THE most melodic guitar players. Hes legendary true be told, and he made the scene YEARS before Jabs. Matthias actually replaced Michael who was an original Scorpion, and they were an opening act for UFO, until UFO lured 18 year old Michael, replacing Bernie Marsden, who had left. Marsden had departed the UFO camp to be one of the founding members of Whitesnake, when Whitesnake was very deep into the Blues. Back to Michael. I was fortunate enough to see him in UFO in 1977, I was 17, and he was 22. He was and still IS a phenom (a person of outstanding abilities or qualities). From the very first song, although he only stood in one place on stage, Flying V strapped on, I KNEW I was seeing a future guitar hero and legend. I was only a punk kid, just beginning my love affair with music and GUITARS, which continues to this day. What I saw that night on that stage had a HUGE impact on me. This lanky German lad was playing from the very depths of his soul, and I knew it. This was probably the point in which to me, music became so much more than just something you listen to in the car, or home to pass the time. I began to see music as a true art form in which anyone who put in the time, and paid their dues, could use the medium to inspire, comfort, and encourage others to follow that same path to show the world their very soul. I just looked up his discography, only to learn his first album with UFO was called Phenomenon, which in hindsight was very apropo. That first album, recorded when he was only 19 produced two huge hits that has stood the test of time. To this very day those two cuts are still huge crowd favorites. Right from the get go he began creating songs that became world class, to his credit. Before Michael, UFO was playing space rock, basically lacking proper direction. Schenker was the one piece piece of the puzzle they needed to go from club/pub status to headlining arenas. After the concert, I set upon getting every Schenker era UFO cassette, using my yard work money to foot the bill and feed my addiction. Every album got better, culminating with their live album Strangers in the Night, which to this day is second only (of all time) to Thin Lizzys Live and Dangerous in popularity, and musicianship. Now thats a heck of an achievement for anyone, let alone a 23 year old young man. He was 11 when he played his first Scorpions gig, right alongside his older brother Rudolph. 11 years, old, almost blows my mind. So today It was pure Schenker listening. One of my favorite songs is called Lost Horizons. Im not sure if it is related to the 1933 James Hilton novel with the same title l listened over and over while I grocery shopped, and for the first time in many years paid close attention to the lyrics, which I found very intriguing, but couldnt really process as a whole, just bits and pieces. So when I got home, I playlisted probably 8 recordings of that song, and looked up the lyrics. I love interesting lyrics, they can sometimes grab you by the collar to get your attention, and this one certainly did. I got to see the whole message of the song, which was so powerful, it was almost palpable. Every version of that song is different. Apparently he never plays a song the same way twice. At first glance, it seems to lean towards depressing, but upon further examination, the lyrics express the deep feelings of someone feeling tormented, and hopeless. But even in the midst of the emotions evoked, the lyrics are amazing. Gary Barden, the singer really took a knife and sliced open a vein to share such deep emotions. I also love the sense of desperation and resignation. It sounds like a paradox, but sometimes, the pain of feeling hopeless can be exquisitely beautiful. Its art. This isnt depressing to me in the least. Its a man really digging deep to convey those feelings. On a side note, today I transformed the living room into a rehearsal space. I brought my two practice amps, my P-Bass, and my Les Paul (its SO sweet!!) and for the first time in years I felt the inspiration to play. For so long I felt I lost my mojo and would never get it back. I played for a couple hours, and it was a good feeling, hope. Ive got the heart of a musician, and its time I started acting like it. Take a gander..it speaks volumes...to me anyways. I WAS gonna watch Smoking Aces tonight, but I think Im gonna read Lost Horizon. After reading the book synopsis, I think these lyrics ARE a direct reference to the book. Time for me and Murphy to hit the sack. Cheers! The Michael Schenker Group Lost Horizons Ive stood in time, wind and rain I have no feelings or name, But I can see, I can hear, The voice of death is shouting in my ear Making war, making love You know what Im thinking of How many times the traps are set, You cant remember, and I cant forget! Can you see me now, can you feel the pain, Can you heal the scars on me Life within my heart, hope within my soul, is dying! Bid farewell, the works of men When cries of anger sound again My tears of shame, cut like a knife, How can I justify this life! Can you see me now, can you feel the pain, Can you heal the scars on me Life within my heart, hope within my soul, is dying! My mind is searching for reasons why A time to live or die If we had now what we had then Lost horizons might return again... Can you see me now, can you feel the pain, Can you heal the scars on me Life within my heart, hope within my soul, is dying! Lost horizons...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:59:28 +0000

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