Well tomorrow you have one additional responsibility to your daily - TopicsExpress


Well tomorrow you have one additional responsibility to your daily routine… If you are NOT dead, incarcerated, an illegal alien or planning on voting more than once…GO VOTE November 4th. With all that has been said in commercials, in the press or on TV news outlets, regards of who is right or wrong in terms of parties, it really comes down to you, you making a decision that will IMPACT yourself and everyone else for decades. Be square…be aware of what your vote means. We should NOT be voting by gender or race in ANY election, EVER. I am really tired of these two cards being touted by sickening politicians on EITHER side of the isle. Before you walk into the booth please ask yourself the following, among other questions… Are you a person with knowledge of whom you’re voting for and why? If not, do your homework before entering the booth. Are you concern about your freedoms of privacy, speech and other simple assumed rights such as of bearing arms? Are you concern the government has opened Pandoria’s Box in terms of insurance coverage in the U.S.? We may never get back what we have lost in terms of coverage or scale. If not corrected, we will be living for decades with the damage that have been done to everyone at one level or another. Being taxed or fined to forcefully purchase a product governed by the government is unconstitutional and a direct conduit to an even MORE corrupt insurance industry. Are you concern about taxes in terms of what is taxed, the amount you pay in taxes, the types taxes you pay and how your tax revenues are being spent? Are you worried about your job, your spouse’s or your kid’s jobs? Are you wondering WHY you can’t find a job? Are you worried about the price of fuel regardless of it being natural gas or gasoline? Today no AMERICAN can exist in mainstream America without fossil fuels. The price of fuels effect the entire household budget form food to heating to lifestyle? Why is the government SO interested in Americans being forced to use Ethanol? Are you worried about INDEPENDENCE form foreign interests? Are you aware the Keystone pipeline is one answer to many of these worries? Are you aware the Keystone pipeline has the ability to add needed employment to many U.S. citizens; it can be a huge factor in reduction of the price of fuels we consume here at home? It will reduce or even eliminate our dependence on foreign nations where unrest is a daily event. Think before you vote…but for goodness sake VOTE.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:36:47 +0000

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