Well, we have been home almost a week now. It is definitely a new - TopicsExpress


Well, we have been home almost a week now. It is definitely a new journey. The road is never ending for the mom of a 23 weeker. It has been an intense week. Things I have learned this first week of having Hudson home: 1. Getting dressed is a waste of time. Its not like I go anywhere & cat naps are a MUST. 2. Cat naps are impossible with a toddler and an infant. So, #1 is mainly because Im too tired to care. 3. I am married to one room. I sleep on the couch in the living room most nights, when I am alone. Moving Hudsons calibrator (on wheels but the size of a small fridge, the monitor that throws over my shoulder, the cords that are at least 14ft each & love to wrap around EVERYTHING, and the baby......ugh....Im exhausted just listing all of it. Just easier to sleep on the couch with his mini-crib next to me. 4. Packing up to go to the doctors office is harder than it sounds. So glad thats the only time we take him anywhere. 5. Finding a nurse was an emotional and difficult process. Well see how i do leaving him. I know its only 3 hours, from the time I walk out the door to when she leaves. But still..... 6. Sensitive skin athletic tape is a MUST to keep the leads on, if you ever want to get any sleep. They constantly fall off & the alarm goes off. The tape works better for his cannula, too. I change the tape twice a day, but it doesnt feel like Im ripping his skin off when I pull it off. 7. As long as I stick to a strict routine, it somehow works. I mean, if I dont mind looking a mess, living on coffee, and eating three bites a meal of cold food..... 8. Im on my own. Stan does his best to help when he is home, but throws the routine to the wind, giving more work for everyone. More dishes, less time for things I need to get done, just stress....God bless him, he has the best intentions. 9. People knocking on the door for anything is like going into Red Alert. I know I am about to be rude by not inviting them in, and I will most likely be hurting someones feelings. I feel like a troll at the bridge You shall not pass. But I have kept everyone informed of the situation and how deadly a simple cold can be. Hate me if you must, but I wont handle him intubated again in the ICU because I didnt want to hurt someones feelings. I hope this helps to give a picture into the life of a mother with a micro-premie at home. We arent mean, and we want to share our babies & show them off, just like everyone else. I have had 2 full-term babies before Hudson, but for first time moms, I can understand that this may be harder for them. Missing out on regular milestones is something we have learned to sacrifice, and being strong is what we have always had to be. We missed holding our babies right after they were born, breast feeding, ect... And when they get home, it starts again. Being locked away, learning machines, calculating feeds, throwing out a dose of EXPENSIVE out-of-pocket medication (compounds are not covered) bc you got distracted by a toddler who is having a meltdown and you cant remember which one you already put in, doing cares every 3 hours, (personally) getting up every hour to check on him bc of the vocal cord paralysis & his calibrator is louder than his cry, wiping EVERY surface any time something touches it, dusting/vacuuming (moving furniture) every day, sanitizing your hands & everyone elses non-stop, hand washing bottles and filling them daily, warming them, feeding for 30 minutes every 2-4 hours depending on him, feeding the other kids, bath time, and of course trying to find time to just love & snuggle on your kids & husband...... Hey look....I even found time to type this. ;) Please dont check for spelling and grammar errors in this one. Lol Now to fix another bottle...... Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” -Proverbs 31:25-30
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:47:23 +0000

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