Went to bar with a couple of friends to unwind after a busy day. - TopicsExpress


Went to bar with a couple of friends to unwind after a busy day. We ordered beer first, after a couple of sips I noticed a slight but unmistakable smell of cockroach feces. Had my friends smell my glass just in case i was wrong and they confirmed it was indeed what i dreaded it was. Asked the sweet waitress for a new glass and she obliged. Unfortunately the new glass she just gave me still smells a hint a cockroach, faint but stil present. I let my friends smell it again ang they agreed again it still stinks. I looked for the supervisor/manager and approached her to complain ( mind you, i was still smilling and was still in a good mood despite what happend, its Christmas my goodness) She faced me already looking pissed and I said, dear may baho bala gyapon. Without letting me finish my sentence she said something that stunned me and literally made me black out for at leat 5 seconds. She said ginhugasan naman na namon kung nabaho-an ka man gyapon wala na kami na ya may mahimo. Normally i would probably rip her head off, slam the glass on her face or something drastic but instead i just said ok baye na lang ah wala ko mahimo, and walked away. This is so not me!!! She then follows me to my table, where she continues explaining while i was saying ok na ah, just leave me alone still avoiding to make a scene. She then says ang budlay sa imo, ka budlay sa imo e please! In a loud voice. She left me no choice but to reply in a loud voice as well te agwantahon ko na lang gale kung baho tanga baso ko? By this time, ither guests were now staring. She then said, sigeha gid sir tunuga gid para mabatian sang tanan. Daw ma tumbling ako sa siya ko. I went to her to complain discretely, she wanted a scene and now its my fault? Toink!!! We transfered to another place and continued our night. Decided to have a massage to cool down. In the middle of the massage i felt getting sick so i went home. I started vomitting and having stomach pains. And continues until now. Im not saying its beacuse of that roach rimmed glass beacause i had a lot to eat today, but nothing i smelled like a vermin. Just sayin!!!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:54:20 +0000

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