Went to bed at 11, hoping for a good nights sleep, no chance! Here - TopicsExpress


Went to bed at 11, hoping for a good nights sleep, no chance! Here I am at nearly 3.30am thinking, planning, problem-solving, mind fully active when my body needs sleep. So I am now going to thank the absolutely wonderful group of people who came to my aid and helped me sort, pack and stack boxes today. Particular thanks to mountain climbers Sara Lee, Edward Carr Kate Perry and Owen Read ably supported by Janice Carr Sue Sutton-Smythe Gina Bee (loved the door, Gina, thank you) Jason and Siobhan Worthington-Lavery Dy Taylor and blue van lady Janis OSullivan Prev Wilson along with Owens pal Jaimie and Ben Carr. Thank you to to John Hugh Scott for more bags of sports goodies. All I can say to each and every one of you who has played their part over the past weeks by supporting me when I have needed it the most is that I am more grateful than words can say as none of this would be happening without your tremendous support and friendship. On behalf of the children in Madiana, The Gambia I know they would want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year. I will be there with them on New Years Eve, under the velvety blanket of the African sky with stars above and firelight below, thinking of all of you back here enjoying time with your friends and family, seeing in the New Year/Hogmanay (for the Scottish contingent!) and wishing that every dream you have for 2015 onwards will come true. Over the weeks I have got to know complete strangers who have become friends, real people, the do-ers, the people who know what it takes to make a change, give up time and energy to give practical help to those who need it most. On behalf of the beautiful children of Africa, thank you, thank you, thank you. We are adding to their lives, supporting them, guiding them, empowering them so that they in their turn can become what they want to become in life. Redressing a little the balance of the ridiculous unfairness and injustice in this world. I have never been so determined as I am now, so focussed and on the right track, thank you for helping me on this journey and know that if ever I can repay you in time or energy, I will do so. These children deserve so much more than they have in their lives and I am totally committed to ensuring that they get what they need. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:31:32 +0000

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