Were not long back from an impromptu trip to the beach to escape - TopicsExpress


Were not long back from an impromptu trip to the beach to escape the 38C temperatures at home. Much fun was had by all (with the possible exception of the cat, who stayed home). It was nice to get out of the house - we were all going a bit stir-crazy this week, I think (except the cat). The STi handled carrying the barge (our big, heavy tandem sit-on kayak) on the roof racks and I could almost set the cruise control going over the winding roads on the Clyde ranges. No trip back from the coast is complete, however, without at least one suicidal ute bogan towing a jet-ski repeatedly almost running people off the road and crossing double lines on blind corners just to make up one car length in a stream of traffic, and then only being a couple of hundred metres ahead by the time everyone hit the 50km/h signs at Bungendore. Anyway, the STi feels more like my car now it is full of sand, dog-hair and fish & chip wrappings. Attached are a few shots with my el-cheapo GoPro knock-off. We found the most awesome off-leash dog beach just South of Batemans Bay. Gracie is completely knackered after playing in the surf, so there will be no cat-chewing in this house tonight.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:32:19 +0000

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