Weve been advocating the total rethinking and remaking of - TopicsExpress


Weve been advocating the total rethinking and remaking of antiquated U.S. chemical policy just forever. And a few years ago, a broad coalition of environmental, consumer, and health groups came together to attempt to do just that. But predictably enough, industry interests have been proposing various smokescreen alternatives ever since. The latest one -the so called, Chemicals in Commerce Act - comes up for its next vote next week . Please use the Environmental Working Group (EWG) link below, or one of the similar links provided by groups like the Breast Cancer Fund, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, or another group of your choice, to tell your congressional delegation to support REAL reform, not these industry shams that update existing law by doing things like grandfathering in tons of new untested chemicals, dictating to EPA what kinds of testing can be allowed (looking at hormone disruption as toxic? Never!) and barring your state or county, your city or town, from protecting you and your family by adopting anything more stringent than these mind blowingly laissez fair rules. And *especially* if you live in a so called red state- or in a red area in a blue state- PLEASE: tell your friends and family, too! The Chemicals in Commerce Act, is concerned only with getting even MORE chemicals INTO commerce, not with protecting or in any way helping those whose bodies and homes, air and water such chemicals ultimately end up in, or with in any way compensating or assisting the many families and communities that have ALREADY ended up with smashed health and shorter lives because it might have messed with somebody elses profits to stop poorly tested, poorly understood substances from inundating everything from mothers milk and fetal cord blood to polar bear blubber and rainwater. We need REAL change, and ALL our legislators and leaders -of EVERY political stripe- need to know that this is an issue that truly cuts across ALL traditional political boundaries.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 18:31:35 +0000

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