What 20 years of marriage has taught me...so far... - Check in: - TopicsExpress


What 20 years of marriage has taught me...so far... - Check in: What was true a year ago, five years ago, might not be true today. - Have outside interests and relationships that bring new vitality to your primary relationship...takes some of pressure of that primary to be the BE-ALL-AND-END-ALL. - Have fun...dammit: Irrelevant crap can seem so important, too important...AND...a little humor can make the most mundane, tedious and even crappy things seem totally awesome. Laugh...at yourself, at life, and each other. - Do. Things. By. Yourself: Get to know yourself. Know what makes YOU happy, what pisses you off, what you need to make an unmeasureable, unforgettable, incomparable life. (Which leads me to the next...) - Express your needs: Know what you want AND TELL YOUR PRIMARY ABOUT IT. Dont sit there and expect the other person to read your %$#& mind...otherwise, your more worried about power and control than your happiness or the happiness of your primary. - The simple things matter: A game of Scrabble, your favorite Netflix show, some good music, sitting together on the couch, a car ride in the evening (with the moon roof open and the heat or A/C on), a good beer...can be THE SHIT...and not just once in a blue moon. - Gratitude...say, Thank you: Tell your primary...on a regular basis...how much you enjoy and appreciate certain things about them (its not hard people...look around you?!). Talk about all the incredible things youve done together that got you where you are. - Be awesome: No one wants to be with a freakin lump. Be the vision of the person youd most like to be and share that with your PRIMARY. More to come... And youre welcome.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 21:11:47 +0000

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