What Americas Media Is Refusing To Address: Corporate America, - TopicsExpress


What Americas Media Is Refusing To Address: Corporate America, A Corrupt Political System! Why America Is No Longer The Land of Opportunity and The Dying American Dream. As Americans we are witnessing the largest Ponzi Scam ever to be perturbed on We The People. Its been played out so well that millions of Americans still cant see, believe or fully understand whats going on right before their eyes. To see the whole picture completely you must go back to the beginning of betrayal by Corporate America and the Top 1% of wealthy Americans. Those that own or, are some of the largest shareholders in American Corporations. It all started when corporations conceived the idea they could in their profits by moving their manufacturing Businesses to third world nations, thereby avoiding the demands of American worker and American Unions for higher wages and better benefits for workers. The net result to America, the closing of 60,000 American Manufacturing Plants and the loss of millions of American Jobs. Corporate profits up to an all time high. Our government did nothing to stop these but turn a blind eye to what was going on and the devaluation of the American Workers. Next, once again in the name of Corporate Profits or as I like call it Corporate Greed. Corporate America began the largest downsizing of their workforce in modern history. Cutting their workforces by 50% sending millions of American Workers to the unemployment lines, while demanding the same production from half the previous workforce, for their same pay. In other words Americans were doing twice the amount of work, with no increase of wages or benefits. Then without warning and once again in the name of Corporate profits, Corporate America added insult to injury. Having already cut their workforces in half now they would implement the next faze of their plan. Reducing many of these employees from full time employees to part time employees. Further reducing Americans earning power or wages. Corporate Americas attack or their war on American Workers was almost complete. The final plan, destroy any American Union left standing by blaming Unions demanding to many employee benefits and to high a wage for the workers they represented. Therefore if you worked for a Union and your job was shipped overseas, blame Unions, not Corporate Greed. If you lost your job due to corporate downsizing, blame Unions. If you were required to do twice the work for the wages, blame Unions. If you were forced to except part-time work with no benefits or unemployment, blame Unions. If you werent employed by a Union, blame poor economic conditions and the President. As the majority of Americas Middle Class saw their earning power lowered and their employee benefits reduced, become more costly or lost all together, the Wealthiest Americans saw their incomes soar by 1000% in the same time period most Americans saw their incomes stalled or greatly reduced. Millions of hard working Americans saw their homes foreclosed on and millions more were forced to file Bankruptcy for the first time. While government was coming to the rescue for large Banks and Wall Street no one was coming to rescue the million upon million of American Workers and their families that had fallen prey to Corporate Americas Ponzi Scam. As Billions of Americans saw their wealth stolen away by Corporate America and Wall Street no one came to their aid. Americans lost 50% or more of their 401-k saving, saw their home values cut in half or more. Million now tied to mortgages that were underwater or upside down. Student loan rates had risen to all time highs with the hopes of a high paying job or career opportunities out of question for most students now owing three to four times more than they had borrowed for their education. So what did our Elected Government Representatives have to say to We The People about the hardships and lose of incomes, saving, the lose of wealth we had incurred. Who did they blame, Corporate America and Wall Street for their years of greed and selfish behavior. Not hardly. They placed all the blame on President Obama and the poorest Americans. The sad part is that the Americans who now found themselves and their families depending on government assistance, Food Stamps, Section Eight Housing and Medicaid for the first time in their lives, became the victims of our political blame game alone with those Americans that were already reliant on these government programs for the poor. The all became victims of harsh, ugly name calling by by their very elected Congressman and Senators. They became know as Lazy, sorry good for nothing, free loaders, Just looking for something for nothing. A free handout, jealous of the Top 1% and all their wealth. The real truth is these Americans only wanted to keep their heads above water. A chance again to be work and support their families and provide for their needs before the Corporate America and Wall Street reduced them to nothing. These Americans were being blamed and cast aside by their Corporate America and their Political Cronies. To make matters worse for these Americans half of their fellow citizens turned against them and also blamed them for their circumstances. Never once thinking, except for the Grace of God, there goes I. This article will continue in Part-Two. What a Americas Media Refuses to Address:
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:57:24 +0000

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