What I Want You To Know ~ The Power of Pressure You have what - TopicsExpress


What I Want You To Know ~ The Power of Pressure You have what it takes to make it through. To withstand any pressure and the changes pressure brings. You are a dazzling human being. Your inner strengths are constantly fuelled by your substantial seamless connection to your Spirit. Both pressure and change occur suddenly. Recently, I watched as two rose buds began to bloom again. The irony of life, like a desert summer, is that there are cycles when we think something should be flourishing, and yet, its put under pressure and held down. The roses scrawny stems have been pressured by months and months of charring and unyielding desert heat. Then, the cycle changes. The heat lifts its relentless 24/7 pounding. The roses delicate tissues begin to breathe, morph, and heal. Life begins anew. Blooming. No matter the pressure youve been feeling. No matter what comes. You have the power to transfigure it with faith and trust, changing the power of pressure into something else. You can consent to your path in life, allowing something magical inside of you to arise and cross through the permeable membrane between Spirit and the surface of your life, changing you. Beyond my prosaic metaphor of lifes pressures changing a rose, exemplifying your ability to bloom, I want to remind you that it is your philosophy of life, your positive attitude, and the actions you take that harness the power of your Spirit. This can move you through any obstacle, using the power of pressure in a positive way. As I write, I hear the staccato twittering of a hummingbird - the symbol of joy and renewed life. Spirit is continuous; it unceasingly talks us through life. When pressure comes upon you, pull in your spiritual connection. Dig deep. Reach high. Stand strong. You are already a robust and fully flowered Spirit. Your soulful features are many. By the very nature of Spirit - of heaven and earth - you have bloomed many times and will continue to do so. You, as Spirit in motion, are constantly new and renewed again. With love, Laura energymedicine.org/free-intutive-wellness-meditation
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 02:47:59 +0000

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