What I find stunning is the shameless and “transparent” - TopicsExpress


What I find stunning is the shameless and “transparent” hypocrisy of both the administration and the soon to be ousted Democrats, in that much like the rioting and looting that took place in Ferguson, these so called “elected officials” would rather “destroy” their own community, their own neighborhood, their own integrity, their own honesty, for political expediency, in that rather then leave with some dignity intact Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and her fellow progressives in congress along with the help of the administration have decided to kick down the door, smash the windows, tear down the drapes, and leave the hallowed halls of congress in ruin, simply because the people of America have spoken loud and clear in November, and the message sent could be heard throughout the land, in a clear and unified voice “GET OUT”! And rather then honor that message with dignity, and with resolve to do better the next time, Sen. Feinstein has chosen to follow the example of the administration and take a page out of the Obama bag of tricks, to mislead, divide, blame, deceive and count on the distraction of the American people to ferret out “fact” from “fiction”…in that whether one believes water-boarding is “torture” or not, one thing that can never be disputed is that after the carnage of 9/11, President Bush kept America safe from any additional attacks on the homeland…contrast that with this charlatan, this huckster in the White House, who has mismanaged the “war on terror” until the American people can no longer recognize “fact” from “fiction”. A military officer murders countless servicemen and woman at Fort Hood, and as he continues his murderous rampage he yells in Arabic “God is great”! No doubt a terrorist act, however not to a progressive ideologue like Obama…who has is own agenda, so rather then the obvious, which he simply ignores he creates is own false narrative of the actual event, and terms it “work placed violence”…and astoundingly this pattern of deception and deceit has become Obama’s hallmark, and a “scorched earth policy” and although we can’t see the flames of destruction, as we witnessed in Ferguson Missouri, one thing is clear, the damage done by this administration, Sen. Feinstein and their merry band of progressive ideologues will have consequences and repercussions for decades to come…however just like time itself, things change and inevitably what goes around, comes around.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:49:10 +0000

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