What Im about to say is coming from my heart and will determine - TopicsExpress


What Im about to say is coming from my heart and will determine who my friends and family are.when I was 19 I was convicted for possession of cannabis.I payed my debt to society with community service and 12 months police supervison.this conviction is still on my name today which hinders me from gaining decent work it also stops me from travelling to certain countries and I always get stopped at customs every time.what can I do wen I have already paid my debt to society I wanna work with youth and families and also help make people aware that cannabis has medicinal benefits also it can be used in the making of clothing.....etc.some of my family members have passed due to cancer when medicinal cannabis could have helped them or prolonged there life.Now in saying that and now Ive put myself on the rader my true friends and family get behind me as I want to start a logo up and start funding for disadvantage youth and families and try break the taboo and decriminalise cannabis for all people regardless of what race what colour you are we are 1 human race.god put the seed on this earth not man.to all that dont wish to be friends or family with me cause Im speaking the truth about myself thanks for listening to all those who remain on my page can u share this I dont normally ask but now Im saying Fuk it Im fed up with poverty,war.we are all human beings with one common trait in all of us and thats love.why are we not living harmoniously and peacefully.I feel guilty to my kidz for bringing them into a world controlled by dominance of war and not controlled by pure essence of humanbeings living peacefully and love for one another so that the future of our generations may have compassion and love in this crazy society we live In.#1luv #1human race.#hurt from what I see in todays society.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:08:27 +0000

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