What Im going-for, in asking for messaging ideas for this Group; - TopicsExpress


What Im going-for, in asking for messaging ideas for this Group; Based on my experience, groups like this one need to get counter-messaging into the public arena ahead of any more City Council decisions/votes. Handled correctly, we *can* help influence the outcome, especially on a topic that so-many Portlanders have strong feelings about, but they currently feel powerless to stop it. My feeling is that we can/should do a press release with our stated positions, and use that to promote adoption of the UNR Demolition Resolutions. I usually handle the media-contacts for the groups I work-with, so Im happy to organize this, and make the initial contacts with the local media, ---->>if that is a step this group would like to take. I can either do-the-talking, or would happily provide the platform for someone else (many of you are so well-informed on details about all the relevant issues, Im still-learning!). So - 2 new questions for you; -Do you want to take this into the public-arena, and get your views out-there, under this groups name? -Do we all (or at least a vast-majority) agree that we support the UNR Resolutions? (Brief-answers or just a like here are fine, Im looking for *if* you want to move-forward & make a public-statement, and *if* we should be pushing-for the Resolutions. If we get a lot of yeses/likes here, well then hammer-out/elaborate-on the details.)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:28:22 +0000

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