What Is The Best Sun Tan Cream To Face The Hot Sun By Haywood - TopicsExpress


What Is The Best Sun Tan Cream To Face The Hot Sun By Haywood Hunter TV is bombarded with advertisements of sunscreens and similar tanning cremes. They work by absorbing or reflecting some of the suns ultraviolet radiation (UV) on the exposed skin. With consumers getting spoilt for choice, it is essential to understand the criteria based on for choosing what is the best tanning lotion suiting ones needs. In that breath, it is good to understand the ingredients that make the lotions. In order to reflect the ultraviolet radiations, the manufacturers use zinc and titanium dioxides which are physical absorbents of the sunlight. Those sun blocks that work by absorbing the UV rays of sunlight are called chemical lotions and they comprise of organic compounds. This formula is a relatively new finding. Franz Greiter, a chemist, developed it in 1938 and around 1962 he developed what came to be known as the SPF or Sun Protection Software. This is a mathematical proof of the efficiency of the product in keeping our skin from getting sun burnt. As a matter of fact, today SPF is a recognized standard for knowing the quality of products and advertisers use this concept to sell their brands. The SPF strength measures the amount of UV radiation that would cause sunburn with the product applied. Hence, the higher the SPF, the more protected your skin will be against sun block. Now when you have to choose from various brands available in the market, you just need to check the SPF strength printed on each packing in choosing lotions. The type of your skin and your activities also play a major role in deciding the best sunscreen suiting your needs. Also activities like swimming washes away the applied lotion so on days that you need to hit the waters, its best to use a sun block that does not wash off easily. Another criterion that helps to find the right item is the amount applied and how often it is reapplied. For e. G., if your work involves staying at the office during afternoons, you would not need a sun tan lotion with high SPF. On the other hand, if your work involves travel and being outdoors for most of the day, a stronger product is preferred. Although it is advised that one should reapply the creme every 2 to 3 hours, research findings confirm that applying half an hour before stepping out, followed by applying again after half an hour in the sun is enough. For those who remain indoors most of the day, indoor tan block is better. These cannot be used to protect oneself from the sunlight as it does not contain any SPF, but they help by aiding in the production of melanin that is brought to the top layers of the skin. As tanning usually tends to dehydrate the skin, indoor tan lotion also moisturizes the skin leaving it smooth and healthy. These indoor tanning lotions are usually made from natural oils and ingredients such as tea oil and green tea extracts. Nowadays you get sun blocks that are resistant to water, heat and sweat. Hence you need not bother about these hindrances while using any such cosmetics. Thus, with a clear understanding of how the product works on your skin, it would be easy for you to choose what is the best tanning lotion for your skin. About the Author: What is the best tanning lotion? The one that is simple and easy to use and gives you glowing and healthy looking skin! You can find the details and information you need to choose the Dark Sunsation self tanner that will meet all of your needs now! ift.tt/1fDD9RC
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:32:50 +0000

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