What “Made in the U.S.A.” means to you? Many people - TopicsExpress


What “Made in the U.S.A.” means to you? Many people have asked me “Why does it matter if it is made in the U.S.A.? Clothes are clothes.” My response is always the same. I first ask where do you work? I sometimes hear “Well, I’m between jobs right now.” To that I say “well you just answered your own question.” People need to realize a simple truth. Our government isn’t going to save us, big business isn’t going to save us, and in fact no one is going to bail us out. It is up to every American citizen to do their part to start looking to ourselves to make things better. While a problem of this size is not a simple and easy fix, it does have a simple beginning. Read a label and make a choice. Nice, easy, and simple. When you pick up an item you “need” not “want” look under the tag. Where was it made? Offshore in a foreign country? If so ask yourself this question. If I need this item and buy it, where does the money go. Usually it will go to 1 of 2 places. Either a company using cheap labor offshore tearing those jobs right out of the fabric of our country, or straight to a business not even based in our country. Either way your money is gone and doesn’t support our country at all. Now if you see Made in the U.S.A. under that tag you have an item that should make your decision for you. Our country was founded on manufacturing. It is what America used to stand for. Superior construction, innovation, and pride. That was what American factories created. People’s hard work earned them a living they were proud of. They produced items that made them walk a little taller, and at the same time put money in their pocket and food on the table. It was the very lifeblood that kept the American heart pumping. Now that proud heart has become weaker and weaker. The bright burning flame of American manufacturing has dimmed to a small flickering flame. It is time to re-ignite that fire. Every time you purchase something truly made here in the U.S. you either keep a company going, or create more jobs to keep up with demand. That money you spend cycles right back into our own economy. If more and more Americans support small business like this, jobs will be available for many out of work people. The middle class, the driving force of the U.S., can then regain the feelings previous generations had. People will be proud of what they are doing for a living, and feel good knowing they are contributing to keeping the American way of life available for all to enjoy. One example of how this works is Texas Jeans USA. When you purchase a pair of Texas Jeans your money stays in the country. Everything used in production of the jeans is 100% Made in the U.S.A. Thread, Zippers, Fabric, you name it. Now to take the idea further let us take a look at the vendor chain. At last count if you take all of the suppliers used, the number of workers they employ, and Texas Jeans employees with every pair of jeans purchased over 3,000 workers are involved. Your purchase of a premium quality jean keeps all of those folks going, as well as their families. Now these people will go spend their money in the same way. Keeping it in the country with American made items. You get the picture of the chain of events now. Some people may argue the fact that you might not be able to find things you need made here in America. That may be the case, but think about it like this. The more you voice the need for these products; someone is bound to start up a company to provide these things. That is the beauty of the internet. I work with a gentleman named Todd Lipscomb as a reseller of Texas Jeans. He is a prime example of a person creating a place for people to come and shop for items made in the U.S.A. I still suggest buying local when possible to support your community, but as long as you’re buying American made items off the web your still doing your part. In close for this post I hope people will take a good look at their purchasing habits and realize one thing. You as the customer have the power to change the future of our country and affect many lives in the process. All it takes it 1 simple starting point.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 00:42:59 +0000

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