What Really Happens When Someone Clicks The Facebook Like Button - TopicsExpress


What Really Happens When Someone Clicks The Facebook Like Button (vs. Share Button) On Your Blog Posts? Excellent tutorial by the good folks at Buffer. Personally, I *love* blog posts that have the Like/Recommend button (and G+ button) because this is the simplest, easiest, one-click way to a) show support for the blogger because I like their content and b) subtly add content to the news feed/ticker of some of my Facebook friends. (Note: the news feed ranking algorithm doesnt give much visibility to these type of liked posts. For max visibility, its best to manually publish a post directly on your profile/page wall; either a link post, photo, or status update). Conversely, I actually dont care for blogs that *only* give you the Share on Facebook button. Im discerning about how many posts I publish to both my personal profile wall and business page wall. I rarely publish more than two posts a day, in fact. So, if Share is the only option, Ill likely skip it. (Note: again, Ive found that using the Share button from a post/article doesnt seem to provide as much news feed visibility as publishing directly on my wall). SO, as a blogger - ideally you want to offer your readers BOTH the Facebook Like button and Facebook Share button. I love Digg Digg (owned by Buffer!) for this purpose with the floating social share bar (e.g. to see it in action, visit: marismith/5-things-businesses-need-to-know-about-facebooks-new-save-feature/). The counts for both Like/Share are the same, so thats cool. Get Digg Digg for your site here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/digg-digg/ PLUS, as a blogger, make *sure* you have the proper Facebook Open Graph tags in your posts so that posts show properly in the news feed with full size images and the right verbiage. This is usually easiest to do with a WP plugin. (I like this one: wordpress.org/plugins/wonderm00ns-simple-facebook-open-graph-tags/) The three crucial tags are: image, title and description. Ideal image dimension should be 1200x630px (aspect ratio 1.91:1). And, as a blog reader who wants to provide helpful content to your Facebook friends, use the FB Like button regularly on quality websites/articles, use the FB Share button sparingly, and for best visibility, publish directly on Facebook! :) How about you - what have you found works well both as a reader and a blogger: FB Like button vs. FB Share button? ========== *TIP* - you can SAVE this link post from your news feed on mobile or desktop! Just click or tap the little gray arrow in the top right of this post in your news feed, then click/tap save. To access your saved links, look for the new Saved link on the left of your news feed. (Only link posts can be saved; photo/video posts and status updates cant be saved.) ========== #FacebookTips #FacebookMarketing Facebook for Business
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:41:23 +0000

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