What Were Aiming For | A Word from Pastor Cameron | A businessman - TopicsExpress


What Were Aiming For | A Word from Pastor Cameron | A businessman recently asked me, “What is the goal of your organization?” This was in response to me asking for input about my role as lead pastor. In order for him to respond, he wanted the definition of our goal. Our goal is what we are aiming for as a church. Everything that we do should align toward that target. Everything should be evaluated according to how well it aids or distracts us in obtaining or fulfilling that goal. My response was, “The goal of the organization is to make disciples according to the New Testament pattern. It is summed up in our statement, Living the Great Commandment, Fulfilling the Great Commission. Or put more briefly: Loving, Learning, Leading. We exist to lead people into relationship with God through faith in Jesus, and onto maturity as fully developed and devoted disciples.” Everyone has aspects of church that they prefer, or think as more important, and aspects they do not care for, or think are unimportant. As a church we must “keep the main thing the main thing.” Making disciples and helping those disciples become fully developed and devoted, is the main thing. “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. According to this verse, this was the main thing for Jesus, and the reason He came. It was also the main thing He instructed His followers to do when, at His ascension, He commanded them to “Go, make disciples.” Luke 19:10 NLT. But don’t make the mistake of thinking this only means evangelism, because that is only one part of the grand process. Making and maturing disciples involves many things. This quarter we are teaching on the “E” of our F.I.R.E. values, which is about Expanding the Kingdom. We will talk about the many aspects of growing the church and the influence of Christ’s rule. We will be talking about how we aim to hit our target and reach our goal of making and maturing disciples. I encourage you to ask Jesus to help you fulfill your part of this task of the church. Together we can fulfill God’s call for New Day!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:30:48 +0000

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