What a day! I fell apart when I saw my boss whod just lost his - TopicsExpress


What a day! I fell apart when I saw my boss whod just lost his mother yesterday. He was fine. I was a emotional mess. It actually seemed like he ended up comforting me. His Mom died two days after Id lost a friend to cancer. Damn, damn scourge. Who of us havent been impacted by its evil grip? A cure cant come fast enough. Too many lives lost. Too many battling to date. Too many tears to count. Before I left for work this morning, I saw a message from a friend of mine who handed a beloved dog back to God yesterday. I didnt have time to reply before I bolted out the door, but did as soon as I returned home. She reached out to me knowing I was well familiar with the pain shes feeling right now, and I hope my delayed hug lets her know that Im glad that she did. More tears. Ive shed far too many in the past couple days. It seems that pool is bottomless. Our broiler is trying to kill me. From time to time, when you turn it on, the pilots come to life, the burners soon after ignite, and when the broiler gods are angry, theres a POOF and a sudden eruption of flames that leap up on the left side that causes me to gasp/swear/shriek and I nervously turn it off, take several minutes to get my racing heart back into the chest cavity where it belongs, then try again. Sometimes, it does it more than once, and I end up pulling out the burners and cleaning them to stop the flame thrower from scaring the hell out of me. The only thing I fear is fire, and it terrifies me. For the past week, the broiler has been kind when I powered it up, but during lunch, someone feeding the broiler jammed it, and I stepped in to fix the problem. As I was clearing the jam, my thumb got caught in one of the chains. That chain wasnt moving when I set to work, but my resolution resulted in a sudden, steady and powerful mechanical pull that trapped my thumb, began to crush it, and threatened to sever it just below the top knuckle. I pulled myself free in time to save my thumb, but Im convinced that broiler is out to get me. I joked that as long as it wasnt my shutter finger, I could survive without it, but my swollen thumb is insulted by my attempt at humor. Im happy to still have it on board. While coming back from the bank, I saw an ambulance several vehicles ahead of me heading in the same direction of travel. I got stopped at a light, said a prayer like I always do for whomever the ambulance was dispatched for, then really didnt give it another thought until I pulled into the stores lot and saw an ambulance and mobile unit beside the building with lights activated. It turns out that an elderly man who I recognize as a somewhat regular customer had fallen in the lot, then managed to enter the store to order food. He was bleeding from the head and his hands, and when I bolted through the doors, was seated in front of the register and trying to refuse help from the paramedics. He just wanted to buy some food and go home with his dog, he insisted. The paramedics warned him that wasnt going to happen, but promised that theyd take care of his dog. His dog; a dauschound, was in the lot, perched on the back window ledge of the mans car, waiting for him to come out. Kevin was running the show, and had what was within his control within his control at the time. After assuring myself that I couldnt aide the emergency situation in any way, I continued completing what I needed to complete to finish my shift. As I went to get into my car, I saw that that mans car was still in its spot, and his dog was still in its back window; peering around while searching for his master to return with their dinner. I wondered when and how those paramedics would take care of that pup. My heart broke for that dog. I was worried about the man that I know I see on a fairly regular basis. I was crying as I started the Jeep to head home and promised myself to hug Pacca maybe a little more tightly when she eagerly greeted my arrival. I couldnt get the image of that poor little dog peering around for his owner out of my mind, and called the store about two hours later. Kevin was too busy to actually witness a resolution in real time, but stepped outside and asked me what kind of car it was, and where it was parked. There was a large SUV parked when the injured elderly mans car had been with that poor little dog on its rear window ledge. Someone eventually rescued that pup. I pray both the dog and that sweet elderly man are okay and reuinted as I write this. I dont cry very often as a rule. Even when Im up against all kinds of things that I cant control and might inspire others to burst into tears, I usually keep it together. I even warn people that if they see me start to cry, theyd best don their running shoes. More often than not, when I cry, its because Im angry. Beyond angry. Furious. I dont know WHY anger makes me tear up, and Ive always hated that, but thats how I usually roll. Cancer. A beautiful friend. A special friends mother. A friends special canine companion. A sweet old man with a devoted dog separated, albeit briefly due to an accident while enjoying a constitutional together at a place where I spend entirely too much of my time. Too many sad images and footprints in too short a time-frame, I suppose, perhaps ... Too many tears in the past few days. I can only hope that tomorrow will bring more smiles than woe, and that that nasty, vengeful broiler will be kind to me in the morning. Life is too short, too precious, and unpredictable. Please enjoy every joy-filled moment it bestows on you accordingly, and cherish every loved one with every beat of your heart.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:12:43 +0000

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