What a generation of military leaders!! Pershing, MacArthur, - TopicsExpress


What a generation of military leaders!! Pershing, MacArthur, Eisenhower and Smedley Butler. For those of you who are not a student of history, Pershing led the US forces during WWII. Those "doughboys" made the difference and defeated the Kaiser (Caesar). MacArthur led the US Army forces in the Pacific in WWII as Eisenhower did in Europe. MacArthur during the Korean War was fired for insubordination. He disobeyed the Missouri country judge who had taken up residence in the White House and who also gave the order to drop nukes on Japan which ended WWII. The really, really special one on the list is Marine General Smedley Butler who was the highest (though not the most) decorated Marine. He was awarded the Marine Brevet Medal which was given to officers before they were allowed to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor and THEN was awarded an astounding two Congressional Medals of Honor. He had a tattoo of the Marine emblem covering his chest. But the really amazing thing about Butler is that he single-handedly save democracy in America by exposing the fascist plot to assassinate FDR, suspend the Constitution and disband Congress. The plotters approached him to lead a private army of veterans to march on Washington and end the United States. Thank you General Butler and all the servicemen with integrity who served.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 16:45:01 +0000

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