What a joke that was last night. Two hours they made us sit there - TopicsExpress


What a joke that was last night. Two hours they made us sit there while they were in executive session, with no updates during that time. And when they came back, no apology whatsoever for making all of us sit there. One question none of us asked (and I am kicking myself for it): Why didnt the person complaining go to the Chief first, and try to resolve it personally, instead of immediately filing a complaint? I dont care what they said -- there is something more there. Its ridiculous and so dysfunctional. And we have to live with this group for at least another two years. I have a lot of thinking to do before the next elections...considering running myself. Mr. Finley (sp?) kept saying how we all need to be calm and respect each other, but by the end of the meeting, they were back to their old selves, jabbing at each other and being condescending and dismissive to everyone. I am fired up for next weeks meeting. Sloppy bookkeeping is not an explanation for what happened with the missing money. We need to demand a full disclosure on where the money went, when, and why there are apparently no checks and balances with regard to finances. Is nobody reviewing the monthly statements and reconciliations, to ensure there is no abuse? If there were, this probably would have been caught at the start, with minimal loss to the city. I am not even sure I believe that it is only $500K missing. One more thing -- they made a point of stating that the current officers are logging 25 hours of overtime per week. If that is the case, at time and a half, then that money will more than pay for at LEAST two more part-time officers, with a possible/probable savings. This is basic math folks, and I hope that at least as many people show up at next weeks meeting, and that this is asked (I intend to go, and will try to remember to ask). Taxes have already been raised by 45% (millage), and we all know the main reason is to recover the lost money. And now they want to consider raising again to maintain a school building that, realistically, we no longer need? This isnt good, and is not going to get any better. Mr. Finley said it is our money, and we can determine how it is spent...I think its time we stepped in and took advantage of that comment, and begin to manage the management, which is doing a poor job. The Mayor and the Chief need our help and support -- time to step up and give it to them. Sorry for the long post...but we need to take back our town!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:32:53 +0000

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