What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out - TopicsExpress


What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out here... (Book Excerpt #99…Note: this is a passage from the book “The New Revelations.” It is a dialogue between a simple human being, Neale Donald Walsch, and God. This excerpt picks up where the last entry left off. For purposes of continuity, daily reading will prove very helpful.) NEALE: I certainly get that we have built a social convention called “secrecy” for sure. We even have categories for this now. We use the terms “social lie,” “industrial secret,” “government security” and even “religious mystery” to categorize the ways that we lie to each other, either by omission or by commission. GOD: Yes, and humans have created other, equally damaging social conventions as well. And so on it goes, each of your constructions built on your mistaken beliefs about God and about Life, each of them created out of a sincere seeking to enhance life and to bring a higher truth into your experience, yet each of them distorting that truth in ways that produce dysfunctional behavior—and an extraordinarily dysfunctional and dangerous world. NEALE: When I hear this I begin to think that our entire human value system is more destructive than constructive. Is this what you are up to in this dialogue, trying to get us to abandon our entire set of values? GOD: I am showing you that you are already doing that. You do it whenever you wish, depending upon what it is that you seek and desire in any given moment. I am suggesting that maybe the reason you so often abandon your values is that the beliefs upon which they are based are mistaken, and that somewhere deep inside of you, you know this. Among the beliefs that you have secretly identified as mistaken is the notion that nothing of any real moral value ever changes. Your religions and your traditions and your cultures seek to tell you that moral values never change, but your heart knows this is not true. With this conversation I am confirming for you what you already know. I am causing you to notice that you know that morality does, indeed, change, that ideas which had high moral value in one time and place may not have high value in another, that beliefs held in one millennium are not necessarily—and, in fact, rarely—applicable to the next. I am inviting you here to adopt a new set of core beliefs from which you can create basic values that you do not have to abandon. (They are functional.) Core beliefs that can change as conditions and awareness and experiences change. (They are adaptable.) Core beliefs that will always serve the human agenda because they serve the soul’s agenda. (They are sustainable.) Currently, the beliefs that undergird human society are beliefs that serve the body’s agenda, and so, they lead you into massive dysfunction. NEALE: What do you mean, “the body’s agenda”? GOD: The body’s agenda is to survive, to be fed, to be kept safe, and to feel pleasure. The soul’s agenda is quite different. The soul knows that survival is not an issue, nor is keeping safe or feeling pleasure. The soul understands that the soul is Life itself, locally manifested. Safety and pleasure are its inherent qualities. The soul does not seek these things because the soul is these things. ================================== To be continued... ================================== Visit CWGConnect if you wish to personally connect with Neale and ask any questions or discuss this material in depth. (NOTE FROM NDW SUPPORT: The above excerpt from The New Revelations represents but a few of the hundreds of pages of world-changing words from God that Neale believes every world leader, every spiritual authority, every economic figure, and every concerned citizen would benefit enormously from considering and embracing. Neale encourages your reading of this entire book, in tandem with The Storm Before the Calm, right now, as these two texts offer insights to humanity directly from the Mind of Divinity, intended to turn our planet’s people from the path of self-destruction.)
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 14:00:00 +0000

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