What comprises the works of the pastor? Well, as the elder - TopicsExpress


What comprises the works of the pastor? Well, as the elder (ruler), bishop (overseer) and under-shepherd (leader) the pastor’s works involve the mission and welfare of the local church. He’s to lead the church to follow God and His Word in carrying out the most paramount mission which exists, propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As part of this his works also entail following the Lord’s leadership in the care of the church which includes trying to help all members to grow in Christ, doing whatever’s required to ensure that sound doctrine and practice are maintained, leading in bringing forth God-honoring services, overseeing business matters, and a whole myriad of other duties. So, since the works of the pastor involve the mission and welfare of the local church, the members need to do everything the Bible and Holy Spirit direct in order to help him, including giving him a high degree of esteem and honor. Esteeming and honoring the pastor have to do with actively demonstrating great respect for his under-shepherd role, which inherently includes willingly submitting to his God-given leadership. The word “rule” seen in I Timothy 5:17 means just what it says, “rule.” It speaks of “presiding over” and “having the care of.” Obviously, it’s indicating that the pastor has the undisputed leadership role. The thing is, when a person or persons don’t highly esteem the pastor — when people don’t provide him with the proper respect through attitudes and actions — it hinders his work, which “is unprofitable” to the church and the entire cause of Christ. Pay careful attention to what it says in Hebrews 13:17, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” Remember, the pastor’s work is the mission and welfare of the church, so when a member doesn’t respect him and his office, but instead resists and rebels against his God-appointed and anointed leadership, the work of that entire local body of Christ is hindered. And guess what can happen when such disrespect of pastors grows within churches? Those churches may be destroyed, at least as true New Testament Churches. Who was the first in history to refuse to esteem and honor the One in spiritual leadership over him? It was Lucifer, the devil. So who is the church member emulating when he or she has a wrong attitude toward the pastor? Yeah, that’s right! Folks, what is the devil always trying to do to churches? He and his forces are continually seeking to hinder and destroy. The serpent will be very happy to use you to try to run off God’s man and tear apart the Lord’s church. Only a lost person could enjoy being used in such a way. Christian, don’t ever allow yourself to become a pawn of the devil against Christ’s church!
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:24:35 +0000

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