“What do I do?” First, What is happening? What could - TopicsExpress


“What do I do?” First, What is happening? What could happen? How does this devolve? You are starting to understand the difference between Real Stress vs Self Imposed Stress. Self Imposed Stress is what we as Americans are used to. The things that stress us are things like schedules, bills, work, watching your favorite team lose on TV, your child is fat and don’t listen, you are out of shape and don’t make enough money. This is all stress that you put on yourself because you yourself can take it away if you don’t think about it or your team wins the super bowl or Britney Spears cuts the Jam! Poof, problems solved. America is this and we have a drug for it. We are starting to understand that there is more to the world than the one that we are entitled to have. There are people in the world that threaten us, torture, behead, record, rape, defile, desecrate and now are saying that they are coming for us. These people have always come through on their word and there is no way to get out of their way. Its not only Islam but bad people in general through history, Islam is just codified, organized, funded and has had more success. They (by religion or socialism or evil or….) seek domination and to kill or convert us to their minions. They will not turn their attention from us and we will have to fight or surrender, there is no abstention. Putting it off and denying the threat only makes it worse for us. We can see their influence getting stronger around us in the fear of a reality Americans are reluctant to even admit exists (this is where you see peoples eyes glass over and get scared and go into denile). This is like the other WORLD WARS….. we could not accept that engagement was not an option, it was imminent and a fact. We want to believe the best in people……. The world is on fire, we don’t get that option anymore. This is the understanding that REAL STRESS is present. Soon, this will take place here in grand fashion, I am sure. Real Stress is the stress that actually will come up am bite you, hurt, kill, steal from and rape you without ever warning you and sure as hell never apologizing or having a court case with a settlement and a happy ending….. no justice. Real stress is a fact of life…… We haven’t been living any of it here in the states. IT IS COMING SOON though. These monkeys seek to do us in and they are calling there shots. They will do what they say to us and will be rewarded by their god allah because of it. Not even Islam but bad people in general will come out of the wood work when things break lose here. Civility can/will fall as quick as the “terror” events keep happening in rapid succession. We will not know what to do, we will freeze, want to be told it is alright and have someone come and make the bad people stop doing what they are doing. Our government at this point will bargain with us or offer peace or security….. it will be done with the carrot of giving up some of our freedoms to do it. VIGOROUSLY we will give it because we have never had to do anything like that for ourselves, family, neighbors but most importantly for LIBERTY. We have not remained VIGILANT to what the founders charged us with. We do not have the ability to fathom concepts like FREEDOM, LIBERTY, TEAM, UNITY….. we have been lost to materialism, our modern BABEL. Introduce hunger, power outages, fear and inability to produce or obtain food ….. humans will descend into chaos, bedlam and murder naturally and quickly if we cannot govern ourselves and unify (the American Experiment, can man govern himself?). I want to be wrong. I pray I am wrong. Without an understanding of who we are in our heritage of the IDEA of AMERICA we will not have any unity if things get crazy. We have done this to ourselves because of apathy and indifference. WE want to feel better, to hell with everyone else. This is what humans eventually do over other humans because they can or have the means to (government over time either intentional or not, there is always someone there to take the power and run with it) …… and/or a spiritual belief that your race or religiosity or way of life is superior to another and in-adherence to doctrine is punishable by death weather it be by Marx or Muhammad (Communism or Islam or Narco)…. Or you could just be a scumbag soul that is bent on carnage, control and licentiousness. Ultimately it is the people who will do what is easy vs what is right and those people are usually violent and evil..... That never ends up going well. Look to human history…. America (as good and bad as we have been) has been the best Humans have ever been to each other….. BAR NONE! Simply, its not about crushing us or “winning” a war. They just have to put fear into us because they know as long as they can get us to be at each others throats, we will not be stepping on their necks like we have had to do for our entire history in the USA. ISLAM was our first foreign war with the “Barbary War”….. look it up. Look at the way they conduct themselves in ISIS and the other places around the world, they have been this way through history and with America being weakened they will unleash the animalistic traits that WE have kept under wraps for generations……. WE ARE STARTING TO FEEL THE RADIATION. WE WILL SOON TASTE THE CONTAMINANT. UNITE OR DIE ....... for Good. Benjamin Smith - Citizen Soldier - Civil Disobedient - SEAL Veteran #ITOLDUSO #BUTUDIDNTLISTEN ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608014069117881552&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:30:37 +0000

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