What do all of the following symptoms have in common? They all - TopicsExpress


What do all of the following symptoms have in common? They all happened after Gardasil - but to be fair, many other vaccines have caused the same sorts of reactions. Swelling and tenderness at the area where I received my first two vaccinations Headache Neck problems Stomach cramps Dizziness Failing memory, getting mixed up with my words, difficulty concentrating My head would be covered in red spots after my bath My whole body would feel tender Fatigue Insomnia Visual disturbances Out of breath Weight loss My knee has also just started to cause me problems, but not so much – yet! Since November 2013, my hips/groin started to get every bit as painful as my elbows. I am 28 years old. Before Gardasil, I worked as a full time painter and decorator, a career I had enjoyed since 2004. In my spare time I was involved with Crossfit training, walking, roller tours and actively socializing with friends and family. I have travelled a lot. Generally I was very physically active whether at work, or leisure activities! I had my first injection of Gardasil on the 15th of September 2012. Back then, I felt like I had done something good for myself. It took me a long time to realize the truth – Gardasil has a dark side. My second injection of Gardasil was on the 16th of January 2013. After this shot, my arm was really very sore and badly swollen at the injection site. The pain and swelling continued for approximately 2-3 weeks. At the time I thought it was because my doctor, who seemed a little stressed that day, had given me the vaccination too quickly and that was what was causing these symptoms. In February 2013, I started to feel pain in my left elbow. About 14 days after the pain started in my right elbow. The pain was very intense in the area around the elbows. It hurt a lot during my Crossfit exercise sessions when I attended my classes in February. In April, it was really bad and I could not complete a training session. My coach said that I should not train again until I had been to a physiotherapist for treatment. So I went to a highly recommended physiotherapist. She gave me three treatments. My physiotherapist wondered if the pain was coming from my back, or whether I had tennis elbow. She suggested I go and see a chiropractor as her form of treatment was having no effect. After four treatments and various examinations, the chiropractor concluded I had tennis elbow in both arms. He advised me to go to the doctor and to not use my arms unnecessarily. As a painter/decorator my work began to suffer because I could not use my arms as I did before Gardasil. I was experiencing bad pain in both my arms. I was given easy tasks for approximately 14 days, but because of the pain I was forced to go on sick leave from 16th May 2013. I went to see my GP in May. She also announced that I had tennis/golf elbow in both arms, since I had a lot of pain when she squeezed my elbows. We agreed that I should keep my arms at rest and do some specific exercises to try and reduce the inflammation. I went back to see my GP 14 days later because there was no improvement in my arms. I was referred to a rheumatologist. I got my third vaccine on the 6th June 2013. At that time I had no idea that there could be a possible connection with my aching arms and Gardasil. 10th June 2013: I had hydrodilatation treatment in both arms. Unfortunately this form of treatment only made my situation worse, despite the fact that I had not trained for a long time, had not worked in a month and had rested my arms. The pain only increased after this treatment. Follow the link to read the whole story. sanevax.org/gardasil-injuries-excuses-need-answers/
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 19:12:59 +0000

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