What do you know...we meet again...looks like its time for JUPES - TopicsExpress


What do you know...we meet again...looks like its time for JUPES VIEWS FOR YOUZ! Since even I dont know what Im going to write about, its best if you read it all, then comment. We like that. thanks. If your birthday is July 9, you share the day with Barbara Cartland, Ed Ames, and Fred Savage. On this date in 1846, Capt. Montgomery formally claimed Yerba Buena (San Francisco) for the United States. In 1956, Dick Clark made his first appearance as a host on American Bandstand. In 1982, Margaret Thatcher began her second term as Britains Prime Minister. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could someone please explain why so many supposed conservatives are hating on Glenn Beck today? Here I thought he was the greatest thing since peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Personally, I dont think hes all that...kind of a loose cannon at times...but hes not has vindictive and hateful as Mark Levin. No...conservatives and by that, I mean Tea Partyers, are hating on Beck because hes taking his own money, and buying toys, soccer balls, health items and food, and taking them to the border to distribute to detained children. Thats Illegal immigrant children. What a crime! Glenn Beck should be horsewhipped, tarred and feathered, then run out of town on a rail...for doing the Christian thing? Sometimes, people disgust me. Ive got a good question for you. What if you were taking a walk in the woods, and come across a tiny little wolf pup...obviously alone, hungry, and scared. Are you going to shoot it? Will you just ignore his cries, and keep walking? Or will you pick him up, and give him food, water, and a few hugs, even knowing that hes just going to be in your care for a short time? Detainee children arent going to be here for long, so whats wrong with giving them a little love, something to play with, and some food? No one is asking for Amnesty here, just doing your Christian duty. Were here to be stewards of God, not observers or judges of the value of life. We have the poor with us, at the border and away, and when we ignore the needs of others, we are complicit with their suffering. A very good friend of our family, Mario, gave me the best insight into the minds of the illegal immigrants. I understand more now, and can see both sides of the situation. Imagine that you live in a small town in Central America...your daily wages might come out to the equivalent of about two dollars American. You and your family are dirt poor...and you hear about America, where people have a chance to make a real living. You save and save...and make the trip through Mexico, often by foot...to be met at the border with news that it will cost at least $1000 American to get over the border. Youve left all you own behind you...the Mexican government doesnt want you, and you dont have the money to legally enter the US...so you find a gap in the wall...and run. No, its not legal, and its also true that these people have been used by at least two governments...as well as crooked border guards. Im completely serious when I say that I blame our own government for the crisis...I do not blame those poor people who just want to live in peace and safety. And for that reason, I also believe that its our duty to help the detainees while theyre here in the country. Especially the children. I dont think the government should mandate that we give our time, money or stewardship for the betterment of others. That should be voluntary. Isnt it time we stop hating on someone for doing the right thing, and instead, hold him up as an example of Christian love. Right now, the right is getting the worst kind of attention from the media...because of the venom against helpless children. Its really time to stop the drama, and do something positive. Who knows, you could be helping an angel unaware. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hebrews 13:2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And thats the way I see it, have a great night, and a better tomorrow. NNGB--Jupe
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 05:01:48 +0000

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