What gives anyone the right to use another persons pain to use to - TopicsExpress


What gives anyone the right to use another persons pain to use to create content on their page they run? I have been very patient with this up until now because now it is three page admins doing this to me. Yet, when I point this out, I am labeled everything under the sun for speaking up and out against it. I have no quarrels with these page admins at all. I have extended my hand to help to them and was bitten back very bitterly. I do not write for peoples amusement. I do not write for people to slander me. I write because it is my release of excess emotions I am constantly bombarded with on a daily basis. My expression of art is done in the same fashion. Doing these things have helped me to overcome a lot of obstacles in my life. But when a person makes it there sole duty to bring me down just to make themselves feel important or better than the person they hold in contempt, IT IS WRONG! Yet you constantly do the very same things your ex-abusers did to you. So what do you call that right there? The victim becoming the bully. What I am going through in my life is a huge change for me. I have never really been able to speak up without my voice seeming very small to other people. This has nothing to do with boundaries. It has to do with people disrespecting you just because they can. The reason why I loathe dealing with people is because they see a nice person and automatically think they are weak. So they push, poke and prod to make themselves seem important. If you feel that you need to do that to a HSP or empath, you are no better than your so-called horrid abusers you love to talk about so much. Then, when the truth is brought right to you, you hide behind the very thing you study to make it seem like you are innocent. It is that type of denial in which I abhor to the fullest. It shows lack of accountability on every level! A total slap in the face and lack of empathy. A person with integrity and dignity do not have to resort to such ways to prove a point. However, when you were getting yours from your abusers, you apparently forgot how it felt to be belittled, accused and shamed. Just because you are out of your pain, does not give you the right to look down upon others who are still going through theirs. Imagine every time you start to make a connection with a person, you start to slowly trust this person and open up to them, to only be shunned because you are different than them. Or imagine trying to see the good in people only to be let down every single time? Or when you ate just being friendly with a person, are you rejected because you are warm and gentle towards them and they constantly indirectly insult you and you have done nothing but be nice and helpful to them. I cant even be usual fun-loving, intelligent goofy self without being mistreated. That in itself is very challenging to deal with and always trying to hide or play down your own just to keep the peace. I get tired of doing that! It makes me feel so frustrated and feeling like I am not being true to myself as the right to be an individual! Then whenever I get upset about it, I am told oh your too sensitive or cant you take a joke? and any other demeaning thing to make me feel worse and small. This has been a problem my WHOLE LIFE! INFJs/empaths/HSP are always picked on because we HONOR and own our actions! Not to mention all of the rest of the problems of having to accept the fact that we are not like the others. So why are you making yourselves a huge problem by BULLYING/CYBER-BULLYING me? What is that going to do? What sick and twisted pleasure do you get doing this to me? If you ever paid any attention to what I have been posting about, it would help you out a lot. But because it is not coming from you, you get mad? Grow up! I cannot stand people who are complete hypocrites! Stop thinking so less of yourself and try and make a change/stand instead of adding to the problem that has been a real troublesome thing to deal with! If you have nothing else constructive to do with your idle time, then find something else to do with it and using my pain for content on your pages! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I do not want any drama on this page as it is very distressing to see. If you cannot grow up and take care of your need to belittle me, I will do it for you! Now leave me in peace! I have no quarrel with you and have a right to freedom of speech just as much as you do. I want to help the people see what is being done to them so they wont feel alone. So they would know that they are not alone and afraid. That someone understands their position and can offer that comfort and reassurance that can help bring their confidence back up a little. That is one of the greatest gifts you could ever offer a person. Compassion and love.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 11:35:03 +0000

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