What is God? Which God is the right God? Which religion is the - TopicsExpress


What is God? Which God is the right God? Which religion is the right religion? If you ask them, they will all tell you the same thing, and I bet you can guess what they will say. I find it curious that for the purposes of debate, theists will not go into the specifics of their belief and defend them. They will, however, argue abstractions of the concept of God that could be used to defend any religious faith. This is where they want to keep the argument, because from here they can call on enough ignorance to make an argument that sounds intellectual to those who arent paying attention very closely. None of them ever seem to have a valid answer for why their religion is right, but other religions are wrong. They do have answers, but, once again, we come to vague abstractions that could be applied to any faith, such as the claim that it changes peoples lives in a positive way. Yeah, Im pretty sure every religion thinks that. Thats not evidence, thats just cheer leading. The reason all these religions have fallen onto such thin philosophical ice is because it is all the ground they have left. Religion and the many gods it has given us, are fading fast as we come to understand the divine was always just a way we comforted ourselves about the unknown. It has become an excuse for itself, which is becoming irrelevant in an age of science where we can learn to comprehend things that we could never have dreamed in the days of ignorance where religion was born. I dont care if you are a Christian, a Muslim, or what banner of the faith matrix you cling to, you are all arguing for the same failed cause. As the perspective of our knowledge drives us to ask the bigger questions, there will be no room for the myths of the Bronze and Iron Ages. We will instead write from our imagination, not to explain the unknown, but to celebrate the possibilities of knowledge and discovery. We will inspire each other with the substance of a reality we build for ourselves, not the false hope of someone elses heaven. The mere idea of God seems so blatantly human, I wonder if we could even see to laugh at how absurd these projections of our own fear and ignorance are. Perhaps it is within us to step into the shoes of generations that will look back on us, as we look back on other, ancient cultures, trivializing their religions in the context of history, but fail to see that we are just one more joke history has to tell before we grow up and put the childish ignorance of superstition to rest. -Timothy Havener
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 07:52:04 +0000

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