What is it about age? You hit a certain age and you realize...wow, - TopicsExpress


What is it about age? You hit a certain age and you realize...wow, Im really never going to be a size 2. And you know what? I actually really LIKE my body. I mean..dont get me wrong, I NEED to get healthier. I feel flabby and tired. But thats not about my SIZE. Its about my health. So, let us say once I pop this kid out, I get back to semi active condition. Like...maybe 30 min to 1 hour a day. And by doing this, I never get below a size 12/14....you know what? So be it. :) Im not doing the I feel bad about myself so Im rationalizing being fat and giving up thing. I am truly saying...and I mean this with all my heart, I am truly happy with my size. I am happy with my curves and with the fact that an unattainable form of beauty for me will never happen. I cant devote 6 days a week, 2 hours a day anymore like I did when I was younger. I had that ability then, I dont now. I have 2 kids that I devote my life to, a man that I love to spend time with and a little one on the way. Not to mention school and possible part time work here on the horizon. In all of this, how do I manage a full time gym career to attain an image of beauty that society says is only acceptable. That my friends, is horse shit. Now, I CAN get to a point where for my health, the longevity of my life and what I instill in my kids and their idea of health will be the forefront of WHY I work out. So, to sum up...to all the women out there KILLING yourselves to find a man, become acceptable to society and fit in with an unrealistic standard of beauty set upon you by the media, your peers and the like...to you I say...STOP IT! Just stop. If you are motivated by anything else other than feeling good physically, mentally and spiritually...then STOP the madness. Youre beautiful the way you are. Not the way you think you should be. Someone will love you regardless of your size, your age or your beauty. If the person you are with loves you for anything other than your soul, then move on. Do yourself a favor, and move on. So, wake up tomorrow...put on makeup...a pretty dress...something that makes you feel beautiful, and do it for YOU!!! :)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:17:18 +0000

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