What is the Dukan Diet? Get ready to be pounded by the Dukan - TopicsExpress


What is the Dukan Diet? Get ready to be pounded by the Dukan Diet. According to Health News, the book has hit the #1 spot in the UK’s Diet, Women’s Health, and Men’s Health categories. The diet is based on a book, Je ne sais pas maigrir, which translates to I dont know how to lose weight,” written by French doctor/nutritionist Pierre Dukan. It has been recently translated into English and 10 other languages. Whats all the fuss? According to Marie Claire, Jennifer Lopez and Gisele Bundchen used the Dukan Diet to return to their pre-baby bodies. That attracted the attention of dieters across this small, small world. Now, I had thought that 29-year old 5’10” Giselle was just lucky in the body department and 40-year old J. Lo just had liposuction like Sandra Bullock (thank you, Sandra, for admitting that), Jamie Lee Curtis, Kathy Griffin, Demi Moore, and perhaps every over-40-year old Hollywood star! Dukan (not Dunkin’) And so the Dukan Diet let’s you “eat whatever you want” - as long as what you want is protein. The diet regime consists of four phases: Attack, Weight Loss, Stabilisation, and Cruise. Attack Phase: Eat only very lean veal, beef, chicken and turkey (white meat, no skin), fish and shellfish, eggs, fat-free dairy products, and lots of water. The phase should not exceed 10 days. Weight Loss Phase: In 5 days cycles, alternate consecutive days of eating protein along with non-starchy vegetables and eating only protein (again) until you reach your goal weight. Drink at least 2 litres of water per day. Do not use butter or oil. Stabilisation Phase: Eat one serving of fruit, two slices of whole wheat bread and 42 grams of cheese per day. Twice a week, eat two 142 grams servings of starch and all of the usual proteins - as well as pork and lamb – without butter and oil. Twice a week, eat two unrestricted meals with wine and dessert, followed by a day of only protein. Do this for the number of days that equals 4 days for every quarter kilo lost. Cruise Phase: Eat whatever you want with one day a week of only protein (sigh). Dr. Dukan thinks Thursday is a good day for protein. Seriously!?! The Dukan Diet is a bizarre fad diet with highly limited food choices, rigid menus, the same plan for everyone, and no accounting for lifestyle changes. It is a Protein-Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF), which has been around for 35 years, repackaged and turned into a book. The PSMF was designed for rapid weight loss for severely obese people with medical problems. It features only lean meat, seafood, poultry, and some low-carbohydrate vegetables; otherwise, carbohydrates and fats are not allowed. On the PSMF, vitamin and minerals are supplemented and patients are medically monitored to head off electrolyte imbalances. And so despite movie stars and media blitz, the Dukan Diet is not recommended because it’s dangerous! (Besides, I thought French women didn’t get fat! Read about (but dont believe) the Dukan Diet in the Daily Mail dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1267106/The-ultimate-diet-The-French-kept-secret-years-Now-protein-rich-Dukan-Diet-coming-Britain.html
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 09:24:54 +0000

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