What is the Meaning of the Number 11 The spiritual meaning for - TopicsExpress


What is the Meaning of the Number 11 The spiritual meaning for the number eleven is quite diverse. The number 11 is considered a master number in numerology because it is a double digit of the same number (22, 33 are also master numbers). If a person is a number 11 because of the duality of the double digits the vibrational frequency of the prime number is amplified, meaning, the attributes of 1 is more powerful as an 11. The very basic and primary understanding of the number 1 is that of new beginnings and purity. When we see this as a dual digit 11 - these attributes are strengthened. In numerology the number 11 represents: Higher ideals Invention Refinement Congruency Balance Fulfillment Vision The number 11 carries a higher vibrational frequency of balance. It represents both male and female equality. It contains both Sun and Moon energies simultaneously yet holding them both in perspective separate-ness. Its the perfect balance. Therefore, the very basic and primary understanding of the Number One is that of new beginnings and purity. When we see this digit doubled as with the 11 – then these attributes double in strength. Those who experience a constant recurrence of the number 11 in their lives often signal them to beware of their balance: Balance emotion, thought and spirit Balance of masculine and feminine aspects Balance of work and play If you add 1+1 and reduce it to 2 - this is also a balance number - Numeral two also deals with: Equality Justice Calm Kindness Tact Duality Those who recognise the spiritual meaning of number 11 in their lives are quite sensitive to vibrational frequencies matching the attributes as listed above. 11 represents also a reflective, thoughtful and intuitive soul. Namaste, Psychic Steve
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:10:30 +0000

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