What is the Mind? The mind is not something that the best - TopicsExpress


What is the Mind? The mind is not something that the best historians, scientists, or medical doctors of the world could give you the best light on. Only the Bible gives detailed and accurate information on the mind. The reason is because the mind is an intangible and spiritual facet. It can’t be discovered or made known by science, and the best you can get from the world on it, would be speculatory. Only the Word of God brings revelation of the spiritual. For example, the Bible says in Hebrews 4:12-13 (English Standard Version) “12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow…” The Word of God can distinguish between the soul and the spirit, an attribute, which the ordinary mind cannot give you. It takes the knowledge and revelation of the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit to make such things known. Let’s begin with a simple definition of the mind. The mind is the faculty of man’s reasoning and thoughts; it holds the power of imagination, recognition and appreciation. It’s responsible for processing feelings and emotions, resulting in attitudes. There are some key words in this definition that we’ll examine, to help us understand the mind. The first one is Thoughts. Thought is the creation, recalling, reviewing and processing of images for meaning, reason, language and expression. This means you create, recall, review and process the images that you get, for meaning, reason, language, and expression. When you study Scriptures on the mind, you’ll discover that in the Old and New Testament, several words are interchangeably used to refer to the mind or its activities. Examples are the words: thoughts and reason. Sometimes whilst reading one translation the word thought is used; and then you read another translation, and it uses the word reason. Even in the case of the same translation, thoughts may be used in a verse in one section, and then another writer uses reason for what was previously used for or written as thoughts. In addition, the words mind and heart are sometimes interchangeably used in Scripture, but the mind is not the heart and the heart is not the mind. These are generic expressions, and so you may find them synonymously used at different points. The words imagination, thinking, reasoning, inclination are also used interchangeably in referring to activities of the mind, as you would find in Bible translations. This goes to say that there are a broad number of synonyms that are used in expressing the phenomenon of the mind and its activities. Moreover, to better understand the mind, you’ll need to understand the scriptural description of the human person.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:54:45 +0000

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