What recourse do you have, after calling the COPS!!! 1st thing - TopicsExpress


What recourse do you have, after calling the COPS!!! 1st thing you wanna do is get a personal relationship with Jesus Christ before your time-clock is permanently punch. https://youtube/watch?v=4WHuhL5t0CA https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=592757317432851&set=a.134671899908064.12117.100000957635001&type=1&theater THIS IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON WITH THESE SO-CALLED PROTECT & SERVE CIVIL SERVANTS DOING TO THE PEOPLE? This horrific era in our countrys history has not been that far off, and although, we have made great strides since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; we still have a long road ahead, and its paramount that the following issues be resolve urgently. How far have we come in American from all of these destructive and alienating biases; shamefully, not that far, truth be told. Just take a serious look at what is still going on in our society, from the North, South, East, and West. We ALL still have much to resolve, when it comes to interracial harmony. Its not our imaginations folks, people are truly going through some tough times; and the Government is trying to play the Public As Fools. Just A Reminder Folks, As To Why We Speak Out Against Injustices!!! Although We See Constant Reminders As To How Things Happening In This Great Country Of Ours (USA), Seem To Be The Same; Yet, We Are Not Going Back Or Remaining In The Status Quo!!! Recognize That The People (All Races, Creeds, and Ethnicities) Are Not Going To Tolerate This Mess For Much Longer. Just A Matter Of Time!!!!!!! Its Gotta STOP, And STOP NOW!!!! Change Cant, And Wont Come With Folks Staying Complacent And MUTED!! There Are Hundreds And Thousands Of Individuals Out There, Who Have Been Abused And Mistreated By The System. They Need A Voice To Help Bring About Reformation Of The EEOC. ***************THIS HAS BEEN TELEVISED*********** Its unfortunate that this sort of mess is still permeating our society; but thats the shameful reality we face here in America, post 21ST century. SPEAK OUT AGAINST many of these civil servants; Continue to Expose the Violators!!! Change cant, and wont come with folks staying complacent and MUTED!! Continue to Expose the Violators!!! This is MOST DEFINITELY NEWS WORRIED; and ITS EXTREMELY URGENT FOR DISCUSSION. LETS TAKE THIS MOVEMENT TO NEW HEIGHTS FOR CHANGE!!!! DONT HATE THE MESSENGERS, IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!! WHEN CONFRONTED WITH THE REAL TRUTH, IT CAN HAVE A PAINFUL STING!!! SO, IF PRESIDENT LBJ COULD DO SOMETHING TO HELP THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN DIASPORA; WHY CANT WE GET THE NATIONS 1ST BLACK PRESIDENT TO MAKE FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CAUSE? THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HHMMMM? ALTHOUGH AMERICANS CAN FINALLY CELEBRATE THIS UNIQUELY HISTORIC, 2 TERM BLACK PRESIDENCY; THIS ISSUE IS FURTHER COMPOUNDED BY CULTURAL INDIFFERENCES. DISAPPOINTMENT IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT, TO SAY THE LEAST! I BELIEVE MOST BLACKS ARE JUST PLAIN OLE DISGUSTED WITH THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATIONS HANDLING OF THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN SOCIAL-ECONOMIC DILEMMA. THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS, PRESIDENT OBAMA, HAS CONTINUALLY AND DELIBERATELY FAILED TO ADDRESS THE SYSTEMIC INEQUALITY THAT IS STILL PERVASIVE, IN MANY AREAS OF AMERICAS SOCIETY. Yes indeed; RACISM, its a sad, sad situation for sure; but check out some more interesting and disturbing truths. Now, we have folks that look like us (Minorities), pseudo-enforcing these abominations; right from within the very agency (EEOC) designed to eradicate this Tumor. Its unfortunate, that this sort of mess is still permeating our society; and especially so, by laws and civil servants that are ill-quipped and inept to make a REAL DIFFERENCE. But, thats the shameful reality we face here in America, post 21st century. The Willie Lynch Phenomenon still has a stronghold on the African-Americans psyche. This CANCER has transcended into all areas of Americas society, to include the EEOC. Moreover, this curse has unfortunately spilled over into the mindsets of other People of Color. Yet, we cannot fault anyone else for wanting to abuse us, if we will not stop abusing ourselves. When we finally stamp out the egregious injustices in one area of our society (Civil Rights Violations); then, and only then can we as a society continue to move forward harmoniously, and have equal justice for all. Im certain, without a doubt, that many of the disenfranchised would be very appreciative, if more folks would be embolden to speak out against the STATUS QUO, and start another campaign to finally Rid America of these despicable acts. An Executive Order to over-haul the entire EEOC (The Sanctioned Blight On Our Society); would surely be more inclusive and fruitful. The highest of standards would have to be put in place and uncompromised. I believe we can get this done if we all take action to vote 2014, and continue up until the next Presidential and Congressional Elections, again in Nov 2016. Demand EEOC Reformation and The End To Police Brutality. THIS WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE UNTIL FIRST THERE IS A CHANGE WITHIN THE WHOLE GOVERNMENTAL BODY: EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL BRANCHES, IN THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS. THEY WILL HAVE TO MAKE SOME SIGNIFICANT AND RELEVANT CHANGES MANIFEST FOR THE CONCERNED CITIZENS. ITS Time for Change = EEOC Reformation! I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP HOPE, AND I STILL BELIEVE IN MY GOD, WHO CAN TURN THINGS AROUND MIRACULOUSLY. I CONTINUALLY KEEP MY EYES ON THE PRIZE (JESUS), AND KNOW THAT SOMEDAY, MANY OF AMERICA’S FALLACIES WILL BE A THING LONG WIPED AWAY IN ETERNITY. petitions.moveon.org/sign/end-government-corruption pdf.investintech/preview/026e2386-ccd4-11e3-8433-002590d31986/index.html pdf.investintech/preview/b67f4f48-c4bf-11e3-8433-002590d31986/index.html lnkd.in/bcvvAxe TRUST GOD; AND ALL THINGS DONE IN THE DARK, SHALL BE BROUGHT TO LIGHT; IN JESUS NAME!!!! https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/p403x403/1604892_10151920100821943_1792370784_n.jpg
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 07:20:36 +0000

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