What to say/ not say/do to clinically depressed - TopicsExpress


What to say/ not say/do to clinically depressed people. Clinical Depression is REAL... It is a disease just like cancer, diabetes,heart disease, MS, MD, etc... People who are chronically depressed. ( I have papers) are not on a pity party... No one in their right mind would EVER CHOOSE THIS. Clinically Depressed people are lost. Clinical Depression is NOT... Oh, my boyfriend left, or, I didnt get the new car I wanted, or, Sally said something to make me cry.... There are several types of depression, none pleasant. There is the depression of losing a loved one... Terribly difficult, hard to deal with, and devastating. Several other scenarios can also cause a temporary/transitional depression. Clinical Depression encompasses many of these. Clinically Depressed people cannot see ANY HOPE.... Especially if they have no friends or family. #### I must add here... I know how very frustrating a depressed person can be.. They can physically/emotionally DRAIN the life out of you, although usually unaware of this#### I am acutely aware, evidenced by my lack of friends/family. And because I have had them as patients & tried to help counsel a few. Everything in my life has been going downhill for years, so the depression escalates and I decline. Depressed people do NOT want to DIE, they want to LIVE.... Not exist, not take up airspace, not be invisible. We ( some of us) are fully aware of others struggles, and do not think WE are the only ones with problems. We just feel as if NO ONE understands, or takes the time to understand. ### THINGS NOT TO SAY TO A DEPRESSED PERSON### 1.) Just snap out of it!!!!! ( can you just snap out of cancer??) 2.) WHAT do YOU want ME to do??? ( the depressed person does NOT have the answer, if they did, they would have done it. Maybe bring them a hamburger and a hug...?? But we are also acutely aware that people are too busy to mess with us, even if they have been friends for 20 and over years.) 3.) It will be better soon... ( really??? Is the floor fairy going to show up with a load of plywood to fix my holes in my floor? Or fix my water lines that I paid $500.00 to have put in last year?? Or pay the $500.00 vet bill to try to save my animal ?? Or the $489.00 electric balloon payment ( that had NEVER been there before on budget billing) or buy groceries, so I can stop eating boiled eggs every meal this week with crackers, now have no crackers, or pay for the $200.00 worth of supplies I need to buy soaping materials, so I can try to sell soap to help myself??) I am using some of my own problems, to show how I think... NOT ASKING FOR ANYONES HELP.) 4.) just get rid of those animals and youll have more money... True statement, until you look at the BIG PICTURE.... If I dont have the animals, I have no reason to get out of bed. I go feed/milk them now and come back to bed, stay in bed until time to take care of them again ... What would I do if they were not here??? Not to mention the fact that I have no family.... 5.) Why dont you get out more???? Because I can only put gas in the truck on payday, it has to last allllllll month for one, and for two... Where would I go with no money?? Library?? I have books and internet here.... #6.) Remember your family, what would they do without you??? Ummmm been doing fine for many years. Youngest Grandson WAS coming to help on some weekends, now he has abandoned me too... ( yes, I understand he is 17) 7.) If you REALLY tried, you could pull up out of this.... ( I want to throat punch stupid people) 8.) why dont you get medication???? ( Because I cannot afford the medication already prescribed, why bother???? And finally... The depressed person is NOT functioning as the once strong person they were. The LEAST slight ( real or perceived) is taken as an assault.... Yet another reason for fetal position uncontrollable sobbing. rapid fire questions and rapid fire ANYTHING, just causes them to shut down and function less and less. I hope this helps. For those WITH DEPRESSION and those who attempt to deal with them. Lana Myers 09-11-14
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:05:07 +0000

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